DC Database

A cocky, jetpack-equipped arsonist known as the Firefly begins attacking various businesses around Gotham, attracting the Batman's attention. Initial confrontations between the two go poorly for Batman, however, as Firefly's technology is more advanced and allows him to fly at greater speeds.

Quote1 Your public image, well... let's just say it doesn't inspire much confidence. Look, your father was one of my closest friends. I see him in you! But the council... Quote2
—Mayor Grange

The Big Heat is an episode of season 1 of The Batman. It premiered on November 13, 2004.

Synopsis for "The Big Heat"

A cocky, jetpack-equipped arsonist known as the Firefly begins attacking various businesses around Gotham, attracting the Batman's attention. Initial confrontations between the two go poorly for Batman, however, as Firefly's technology is more advanced and allows him to fly at greater speeds.

Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne's civilian persona confronts a problem of his own: the contract to fund the Children's Hospital, an honor that Gotham's city council usually reserves for Wayne Enterprises, is about to be diverted to GothCorp. Mayor Marion Grange, an old friend of Thomas Wayne, sadly informs Bruce that the city council has grown uneasy with his playboy image; the final vote on the hospital funding is to be held early next morning, and any counter-appeal Bruce wishes to make must be before then.

Unfortunately, Batman's next battle with the Firefly leaves Batman unconscious in a warehouse for several hours, and the deadline passes before Bruce can make his counter-appeal. Upon reviewing Firefly's targets in the Batcave, however, Batman deduces that GothCorp had hired the Firefly to sabotage rival businesses, and sets a trap for the arsonist by announcing that Wayne Enterprises has developed a piece of cutting-edge technology. True to his expectations, Firefly's employers order Firefly to target Wayne Enterprises next.

In their third battle, Batman manages to keep up with Firefly by reverse-engineering the arsonist's technology, and after a long battle, manages to sever the fuel lines on Firefly's jetpack. Grounded, Firefly attempts hand-to-hand combat, but is easily defeated, bound, and left for the police with a "GOTHCORP EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH" sign taped to his body.

With GothCorp quickly buried in scandal, Gotham's city council gives the contract to fund the Children's Hospital to Wayne Enterprises, along with every other contract that GothCorp currently holds. During this, Mayor Grange looks on proudly, telling Bruce how proud his father would be of him much to Bruce's happyness.

Appearing in "The Big Heat"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

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Links and References

