Black Adam is the former champion of Shazam and the enemy of Captain Marvel.
The wizard who made it possible for Billy Batson to become Captain Marvel is also responsible for empowering the monster known as Black Adam. This enemy of Captain Marvel was born sometime during the 19th dynasty of Egypt. Like Captain Marvel, his power is an amalgamation of six different gods. But unlike him, the power corrupted the man chosen to be the Wizard's champion. Perhaps that is why the Wizard chose a boy when he came to Batson. Children are easier to mold, quicker to learn, easier to put on a path from which they won't deviate.
The Wizard banished Black Adam, casting him beyond all known worlds and solar systems. It seems difficult even to imagine such a possibility, but it took Adam thousands of years to return. His return was marked by the Wizard's choosing of a new champion -- Captain Marvel. He has speed, strength, and the ability to match all of Captain Marvel's powers.
Powers and Abilities
- Divine Empowerment - All of the powers granted collection of six by gods and figures of legend either directly or through Shazam.
- Accelerated Healing
- Clairvoyance: The ability to understand situations from many angles, including future and past consequences with superhuman clarity and accuracy.
- Divine Grace: Innate luck and divine guidance that allows finesse in actions and dealings with others.
- Eidetic Memory
- Magic Resistance
- Enhanced Intellect: Intellect and wisdom are heightened to superhuman levels. This also provides great or comprehensive knowledge in many areas, including:
- Flight: The ability to hover or soar at high speed through an act of sheer will.
- Healing: The ability to use the transformative lightning to heal others or ones self instantly.
- Indomitable Will: An incredible amount of willpower that allows perseverance in overwhelming odds and seemingly unbeatable situations.
- Invulnerability
- Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without sleep, food, water, or air.
- Superhuman Speed: The ability to run or fly at incredible rates of speed.
- Superhuman Reflexes
- Superhuman Agility
- Superhuman Stamina
- Superhuman Strength
- Teleportation: The ability to access the Rock of Eternity.
- Transformation: The ability to transform from a mortal to the entity empowered by the six.
- 4 Appearances of Teth-Adam (Justice)
- 3 Images featuring Teth-Adam (Justice)
- Quotations by or about Teth-Adam (Justice)
- Character Gallery: Teth-Adam (Justice)
Marvel Family Villain This character is or was primarily an enemy of Captain Marvel, the Wizard Shazam, or any of the extended members of the Marvel Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Marvel Family Villains." |
Legion of Doom member |