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"The Observer Effect: Part Two": Swamp Thing bursts through the door where Briar last talked to him and states nothing will stop him from saving her. Briar meanwhile asks the Barren where all the door leads to and the latter obliges, being impressed by her inquisitiveness. He states that they le

Swamp Thing Giant #6 is an issue of the series Swamp Thing Giant (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2019. It was published on July 28, 2019.

Synopsis for "The Observer Effect: Part Two"

Swamp Thing bursts through the door where Briar last talked to him and states nothing will stop him from saving her. Briar meanwhile asks the Barren where all the door leads to and the latter obliges, being impressed by her inquisitiveness. He states that they lead to the elemental home of the things that are behind the creation of matter - fire, water, life, limbo and death. After opening a door to limbo, he gets assaulted by the tentacles its avatar Black Bi'tal, knowing she and Swamp Thing have faced the avatars of the elements.

The Barren closes the door to limbo, cutting off its tentacles, and tells Briar he wanted to test their weakness by pushing them into realms away from their home. The only realm he hasn't been able to obtain victory on is the Green, the entranceway to which had been sealed by Swamp Thing and leaves him with no choice but to create an entranceway from the Green to allow him entrance in his own dimension. The Barren soon finds himself attacked by Swamp Thing, who states he has seen what his assaults have done to the various realms. He blames him for murdering Dr. Lola Helmsdale and being a killer, before destroying his body.

Briar tells Swamp Thing that the Barren didn't harm her and allowed her into his dimension so he can meet him. The Barren then reintegrates his body and states he's been an avid follower of Dr. Alec Holland's work, but himself didn't have sufficient imagination to invent new things. Instead all he could do was imagine the monsters he knew about, the one that attacked Helmsdale and materialize to grab Swamp Thing from behind. The Barren makes him remember how it all started, he had encountered Briar while secluding himself in the Louisiana bayou from the outer world. Briar was trying to discover her father's location using dark magic, but instead opened the door to something else instead.

Swamp Thing saved Briar from a demonic alligator and helped her gouge out her eye which had seen visions of great evil. The Barren reveals that he always knew that Briar's father Jason Woodrue was in Hell as he was responsible for his fate, but got involved in her mission to discover why doors to other realms were opening. The Barren then smashes Briar into Swamp Thing in order to open a portal to Houma, Louisiana by merging their intrinsic fields. Swamp Thing finds that Briar has died from the stress and attacks him.

As the two battle, the Barren reveals that he was once a scientist trying to prove existence of dark matter by detecting axion particles through gravity waves. He however didn't succeed and was laughed at by his senior, leading him to try to commit suicide through a magnetic chamber, in order to get a quick painless death. His consciousness however was merged with dark matter through the gravity waves and he decided that being nothing was better than being a sentient being, which only created chaos. Hence he wants to merge the doors to all the realms in order to go the realm which is the source of all creation, and Swamp Thing is the key to opening the last door.

Appearing in "The Observer Effect: Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Briar Woodrue (Flashback and main story)


  • The Barren

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Animal vs. Man, Part One"

This story is reprinted from Animal Man (Volume 2) #7.

The Baker family makes its way through Utah's Arches National Park, trying to decide where to go next. Ellen thinks that they should go north, but Buddy remembers that Socks - a talking cat, and a totem of The Red - had said that they should head southeast to Louisiana and find Alec Holland. He does consider that heading east through the Gem Cities to beg the Flash and the Justice League for help.

Ellen is skeptical that the Justice League can be of any help to them, not to mention that Buddy is getting his advice from a talking cat in the first place. Cliff remarks that they can't go to Central City anyway, since an EMP blast has left the city without power. Buddy suggests that Cliff use his phone to find them a route where a super-hero battle isn't happening. Cliff's phone has died without a charger, so Ellen suggests that he and Buddy go to the town a few miles back and pick up a charger and some real food for the family.

On the walk to town, Cliff comments that he wishes his father would fly him around more often, rather than having to walk. Buddy promises that once they don't have to keep a low profile anymore, he'll fly Cliff around. Cliff goes into the store to buy some food while Buddy uses the payphone to call the police about what happened to Detective Krenshaw. After picking up the food, Cliff is distracted by the sight of some attractive older girls. He notices that one of them is wearing an Animal Man shirt. Attempting to impress her, he comments that Animal Man is his dad. The girls don't believe him, but unexpectedly, Buddy appears claiming that they need to leave on Justice League business, and flies his son away. Cliff thanks his father for helping him to impress the girls.

Meanwhile, the Baker women are having a rousing game of Go Fish! Ellen and her mother Mary press Maxine to talk about what she's been through recently, but the four-year-old is completely unfazed by the weirdness of entering The Red and encountering the Hunters Three and the threat of The Rot. Mary breaks down at the thought of a four-year-old girl having to go through any of this, and blames Buddy's influence for it all. Just then, Buddy and Cliff return, and Mary angrily storms out the door of the motor-home. With the added burden of her mother's upset, Ellen is further angered by the fact that Cliff bought nothing but junk food.

That night, Buddy wakes to find that his family is no longer in the motor-home, and when he steps outside to look for them, he is startled by a vision of decay and carnage. The landscape is covered with rotting carcasses and bones. Soon, a horrifying monster bursts up from the ground, along with the Hunters Three. Buddy is further surprised by the appearance of Maxine, much older than when he last saw her, and accompanied by some kind of swamp monster. Behind them, stands a curmudgeonly old man in a trenchcoat, and Ellen, much aged. Buddy watches as Maxine rushes into battle with the monsters. The old man warns that she is not a little girl anymore, noting that this is what the future is like, should Buddy fail to protect Maxine like he's supposed to. Moments later, one of the monsters manages to grab Maxine and pierce through her arm with its teeth. When Buddy rushes to her side, he realizes too late that she has been infected by The Rot.

Buddy wakes up to find his family around him; Maxine is already awake and staring at him. She warns that she can feel the bad things from The Rot coming. Soon Ellen and the others begin waking up, so Buddy goes outside to check on things. He opens the door to see a gathering of Rot infected animals preparing to strike.

Appearing in "Animal vs. Man, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Mary Frazier's RV


Synopsis for "The Black Queen"

This story is reprinted from Swamp Thing (Volume 5) #6.

After finally having kissed Abigail Arcane, Alec Holland suddenly has a sense that something is wrong with The Green. This is not merely the call of the Green to become the Swamp Thing; the same call he had heard all his life. These are the screams of the Parliament of Trees, but they are not screaming for him, they are screaming in fear.

Suddenly, Abby is enveloped by tendrils of The Rot. As Alec desperately tries to tear her free, young William Arcane escapes from the tree he was trapped in and laughs, explaining that the Green has lost. It is not screaming for Alec, but at him, because it is all his fault.

In Mato Grosso, Brazil, Professor Robert and the other thralls of the Rot begin to set fire to the Parliament of Trees.

William claims that both Alec and Abby knew that this was coming, that Alec was meant to become the Swamp Thing. Because Alec chose not to fight, this has happened. The boy reveals that it was never him that the Rot wanted; it was Abby. From within the growing blob of rotten flesh that she has become trapped, Abby gasps that Alec must kill her. Alec won't do it, though, and William warns him to run, because Abby will kill him as soon as she emerges from her cocoon. Desperately, Abby knocks Alec back with one of her tentacles, screaming that he must run before she kills him. Finally, he climbs onto her motorcycle and promises to be back for her.

Alec rides back to the swamp and asks the Green to take him; to make him the Swamp Thing again. A tree root wraps around his hand, and the Parliament responds that it is too late. They are dying, and he has failed them.

Moments later, an agent of the Rot appears behind Alec, and rams a chainsaw through his chest. The Rot has won.

Appearing in "The Black Queen"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dr. D. Durock (Deceased) (Mentioned only)




  • Abby Arcane's Motorcycle


Synopsis for "The Wild Hunt"

This story is reprinted from Shadowpact #6.

Doctor Gotham commands Strega to keep throwing assets at Shadowpact in order to distract them while he plots to conquer Earth.

Enchantress arrives in Gotham City to help Ragman deal with the recently-captured Blue Moon. She uses magi to bind her, allowing the Police to take her away, and specifying that she'll need a cell with no moonlight. While dealing with the Police- and the Press- the Wild Huntsman and his hounds appear in a blast of smoke. Enchantress and Ragman fight, and though incapacitating several hounds and setting off a distress signal, Enchantress is taken out by the Huntsman.

In the Oblivion Bar, Eddie Deacon is clearing up, refusing to let Detective Chimp smoke. Nightmaster comes in and asks for his bar back. Deacon refuses.

Meanwhile, Ragman and the Huntsman are fighting. After a time, Ragman cannot spread the damage he takes among the captured souls quickly enough, and is knocked out.

Meanwhile, Deacon tells Nightmaster his life story: sold to a circus as a child, he was rescued from his criminal ringmaster by Batman and decided to become a superhero. He went for magic, and ended up in Greenwich Village, with Madame Xanadu. She put him in touch with other magicians, and he spent nine years learning telekinesis. He was unable to get a regular job, so when Shadowpact were presumed dead, he took over Oblivion. Nightmaster threatens to take his bar back; Deacon threatens to close off his windpipe. They agree to talk about a deal for Shadowpact to use some of the spare rooms.

In Gotham, the Huntsman puts hellhound collars on Enchantress and Ragman, transforming then into hellhounds. At that moment, Nightshade and Blue Devil arrive. Nightshade conjures a shadow monster to deal with the hounds, and Blue Devil takes on the Huntsman. The ex-Enchantress and Ragman hounds bark, but don't attack. Blue Devil summons his trident and sends the Huntsman to Hell, sending the dogs fleeing, except Enchantress and Ragman, who wait for their teammates to come to them. As they are sitting next to their own discarded costumes, Blue Devil guesses they've eaten his teammates.

In the Oblivion, Nightmaster explains to D.C. that Deacon's letting them stay for a few days, until they work out a compromise. He also says that he thinks they should start training to better use their skills. Then Nightshade and Blue Devil arrive with the hellhounds.

Appearing in "The Wild Hunt"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
