DC Database

"The Last Days, Part One": Superman has taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude in order to celebrate the anniversary of the destruction of Krypton. With a simulation created by the Fortress, Superman teaches Superboy about Krypton's death and how he programmed the Fortress to scan nearby sta

Quote1 Dad, I'm messing with you. 'Course I know. It's the anniversary of the day our home planet Krypton exploded. Quote2
— Superboy (Jon Kent)

Superman (Volume 4) #40 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 4) with a cover date of April, 2018. It was published on February 7, 2018.

Synopsis for "The Last Days, Part One"

Superman has taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude in order to celebrate the anniversary of the destruction of Krypton. With a simulation created by the Fortress, Superman teaches Superboy about Krypton's death and how he programmed the Fortress to scan nearby star systems and alert him if other planets are about to suffer the same fate as Krypton. The Fortress detects a planet called Galymayne is about to explode and Superman decides to go there and find a way to save the people. Superboy wants to come with his father, so that he can honor Krypton in his own way and Superman reluctantly agrees.

Superman and Superboy reach Galymayne, an aquatic planet with inhabitants evolved to survive underwater, much like the Atlanteans. The two heroes are escorted to the high priest, the closest thing Galymayne has to a ruler, and explain their case. Although Superman and Superboy offer to save the people of Galymayne, the high priest dictates that the destruction of their planet is the act of their god Dhermet and the people of Galymayne shall accept Dhermet's judgment. The high priest tells Superman and his son to leave, but Superman refuses and insists he can save people. He implores them not to let themselves blinded by religious faith, but the high priest is insulted by Superman's apparent disrespect towards their culture and commands the people of Galymayne to attack Superman and Superboy. The people of Galymayne have enormous mental power that can decrease their opponents' power and, sure enough, the power of the two heroes decreases, forcing them to escape.

Superman and Superboy evade capture thanks to Klain, a man who is just as dedicated at saving his people as Superman is. Entering Klain's ship, Superman and Superboy listen to Klain's story. Unlike his religious brethren, Klain is a man of science and wants to do what he can to help his people survive. As Superman, Superboy and Klain escape from Galymayne's main palace and make their way to Klain's laboratory, they agree to work together.

Appearing in "The Last Days, Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Galymayne's Natives (First appearance; unnamed)
    • High Priest of Galymayne (First appearance; unnamed)

Other Characters:




  • Klain's Vessel



See Also

Links and References
