DC Database

"The Secret, Part 3 of 3": Batman saves Clark Kent who's trying not to compromise his secret identity from Joker's attack, later they confront Martin Mayne who is reveled to be the guy that got Garret Remington killed.

Quote1 You're an architect, Clark,. You're building a future. I'm a fireman. I put out fires as best I can, and then move on to the next one. Go build your future, Kent. I've got work to do. Quote2

Superman/Batman #87 is an issue of the series Superman/Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2011. It was published on August 17, 2011.

Synopsis for "The Secret, Part 3 of 3"

Batman saves Clark Kent who's trying not to compromise his secret identity from Joker's attack, later they confront Martin Mayne who is reveled to be the guy that got Garret Remington killed.

Appearing in "The Secret, Part 3 of 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Daily Planet Workers
  • Garret Remington (Mentioned only)





See Also

Links and References
