DC Database

"Clone Wars - Finale": Supergirl and the Omega Men are battling an army of mindless Supergirl clones. Wielding Rogol Zaar's axe, Kara takes down as many clones as she can, as struggling against the axe's rage-

Quote1 All of you, wait! If there is any true part of me within you, let it hear me! Fight your rage. Fight your pain. this is not who you-- who we-- are. There is always a way out. There is hope. I want to help you! Quote2
— Supergirl

Supergirl (Volume 7) #28 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 7) with a cover date of May, 2019. It was published on March 13, 2019.

Synopsis for "Clone Wars - Finale"

Supergirl and the Omega Men are battling an army of mindless Supergirl clones. Wielding Rogol Zaar's axe, Kara takes down as many clones as she can, as struggling against the axe's rage-amplifying influence.

Meanwhile, Krypto and Z'ndr Kol are looking for Kara when their ship detects' Kara's position.

Supergirl and Ryand'r keep fighting Supergirl's clones. Once her attempt to reach them out fails, Supergirl asks the Tamaranean to give her a solar boost as quickly as he can. Ryand'r transfers energy to Kara by kissing her, and Supergirl takes down her clones with a shockwave clap. Unfortunately, although her blast was intended to only stun, their cellular structure is so unstable they break apart.

Enraged, Supergirl bursts into Harry Hokum's ship, and after putting his men down, seizes Hokum and demands to know how he got Kryptonian cloning tech. Hokum confesses he knew what The Circle did to Krypton so they let him strip-mine the rests of the planet in exchange for his silence. Supergirl wants the perpetrators' names, but Hokum is teleported away. Nonetheless, he loses his ring as he disappears, and Kara collects its gem, noticing it is one of the database crystals she is looking for.

Primus then comes along and takes Supergirl to Hokum's ship's cloning facilities. Infuriated at the sight of her people's science being perverted in order to create abominations, Kara destroys the place.

Meanwhile, Hokum is teleported to Gandelo's presence. Despite Hokum protesting otherwise, Gandelo believes he has broken their deal, and executes him.

Supergirl is resting in the Omega Men's outpost, feeling physically and mentally worn-out, when Ryand'r approaches. After apologizing for kissing her earlier, swearing it was the quickest way, he offers another energy transfer, holding her hands this time. Ryand'r has just rechaged her fully when Z'ndr and Krypto finally happen upon them.

Meanwhile, Gandelo confers with two members of the Circle. Although Gandelo insists that Supergirl must be executed in order to keep their cover-up, their partners point out they have nothing to hide because Rogol Zaar acted against their wishes, and Gandelo is losing control. Angry, Gandelo sends out a message across the galaxy: he wants Supergirl dead.

At the same time, in planet R'Venna, a group of followers or Rogol Zaar are determined to finish what he began and kill Supergirl.

Appearing in "Clone Wars - Finale"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Harry Hokum's Ring
  • Nth Metal
  • Rogol Zaar's Axe


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
