DC Database

"The Menace of the Mysterious Voyager!": An American spy poses as a time-lost Jules Verne to test Superboy's capacity to be deceived, but the Boy of Steel sees through his ruse.

Superboy #181 is an issue of the series Superboy (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1972. It was published on November 25, 1971.

Synopsis for "The Menace of the Mysterious Voyager!"

An American spy poses as a time-lost Jules Verne to test Superboy's capacity to be deceived, but the Boy of Steel sees through his ruse.

Appearing in "The Menace of the Mysterious Voyager!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • "Jules Verne"




Synopsis for "Super-Marriage ... or Super-Flop?"

While Superboy is out saving some orphans, Lana Lang has a fantasy of what married life with him would be like.

Appearing in "Super-Marriage ... or Super-Flop?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Six-Legged Legionnaire!"

This story is reprinted from Adventure Comics #355.

Superboy is on patrolling Smallville when he notices that a bunch of his classmates are participating in a charity parade. He remembers that he was supposed to carry a sign and rushes off to change into Clark Kent in a phone booth, unaware that Lana Lang has spied him enter the booth. However, she uncharacteristically lets Superboy know and looks away so that she doesn't learn his secret identity. Later as Clark Kent, Lana tells him that she overcame her curiosity and resisted the urge to peek at Superboy changing into his civilian guise, Clark muses that Superboy will likely reward her for overcoming her curiosity.

Sure enough, after the parade, Superboy arrives at Lana's home and takes her with him to the 30th Century while he goes on a meeting with the Legion of Super-Heroes. Left to her own devices while Superboy attends his Legion meeting, Lana puts on her Insect Queen costumes and uses her Bio-Ring to better travel around the future. When she spies a space shuttle about to crash she uses her insect powers to save if from disaster. Aboard the ship is Dream Girl, who commends Insect Queen for a job that was worthy of a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. This inspires Lana to go to the Legion of Super-Heroes' Clubhouse and petitions them for membership. The group rejects her for membership pledge as her powers are artificial in nature.

The Legion then get a distress call from Ice City in Antarctica, claiming that an alien is attacking the city. Invisible Kid sends Chameleon Boy, Shrinking Violet and Colossal Boy to check it out. As they are leaving Insect Queen asks Dream Girl if she can see disaster in their future. Dream Girl confirms this and warns Lana not to use her powers to turn into a moth as it will doom the group if she does. Convincing Superboy of the danger the two rush to Ice City, there they and the other Legion members are contacted by the alien villain, a being known as Oggar-Kon. Oggar-Kon tells them that he was a powerful criminal with mind-over-matter powers and was frozen in a chunk of ice and jettisoned into space. However a comet would strike his frozen form sending him to Earth, and freeing him from his imprisonment, and is now seeking to take over the Earth.

Oggar-Kon attacks Ice City and the Legion with a series of high-tech devices that trip up the various Legion members, however Insect Queen counteracts each trap by turning into a different insect. When Superboy is doused with Kryptonite powder, she is forced to go against Dream Girl's warnings and turn into a sphinx moth form to vibrate the Kryptonite off of Superboy, however in the process she shakes her ring off her finger. Chameleon Boy then uses his shape-shifting powers to crush Oggar-Kon's ship, allowing Superboy to take the villain into custody.

After, with Lana trapped in her insect form until they find the Bio-Ring to change her back to normal, the Legion search all over the place for it, however Light Lass finds it in the most unlikely place: The secret pouch within Superboy's cape. With the ring returned to Lana she uses it to return to normal. After their episode in the 30th Century, Lana and Superboy return to their own time where Lana is rewarded with honorary membership within the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Appearing in "The Six-Legged Legionnaire!"

Featured Characters:


  • Oggar-Kon (Single appearance)



See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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