Whatever we tried to do today, we ended up helping a lot of people. That's our real work, and it's way more important than how we look. We've got a responsibility to serve the public, whether they think we're swell guys or not.
- — Impulse
Sins of Youth: Kid Flash and Impulse #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of May, 2000.
Synopsis for "Media Blitz"
The teenaged Wally West and the adult Bart Allen decide to put a positive spin on Young Justice by doing a bunch of interviews with media outlets across the country. However, the two speedsters often get preoccupied with super villains and natural disasters, so they miss most of the interviews.
Appearing in "Media Blitz"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Li'l Red Tornado
- Linda West
- Max Mercury
- Ted Barton
- Captain Cold
- Folded Man
- The Green Cigarette
- Klarion
- Major Disaster (Behind the scenes)
- Match
Other Characters:
- A.P.E.S.
- Bethany Snow
- Jack Ryder
- Lois Lane
- Norman Bridge
- Young Justice
- Robin (On a TV or computer screen)
- Secret (On a TV or computer screen)
- Superboy
- Wonder Girl