DC Database

Shellestriah is the half-human daughter of the Trench King. She was originally an enemy of the Monkey Prince, but later became his ally and teammate.

The Trench King somehow heard the stories of the Monkey King's ancient adventures, including how demons would devour heroes to achieve immortal power. Shellestriah recognised Marcus Shugel-Shen, a student at Amnesty Bay High School, as a monkey god like the one from the stories. She attempted to eat him, but he put up a stronger fight than she expected and she escaped into the ocean where he would not follow. She reported back to her father that "the monkey" was real, and the legends were true.[1]

The Trench King lead Shellestriah and the Trench to invade Atlantis so he could devour Aquaman and gain the power that the stories promised. They found him fighting Marcus in the Dragontown district and the horde attacked. While her father tried to eat Aquaman, Shellestriah tried to eat Marcus, but his mentor Pigsy fought her off and told her that she did not have to be ruled by her appetites.

During the fight, the Trench King was possessed by an ancient demon known as Silver Horn King, much to Shellestriah's horror. She attempted to help him but the possessed king simply smacked her aside and went for Aquaman. Marcus exorcised the demon from the Trench King and Shellestriah thanked Marcus for saving her father's life. However, the King was furious and wanted to kill Marcus as he had enjoyed the power that the possession had given him. Shellestriah defended Marcus, telling her father that he owed Monkey Prince his life and if he wanted to hurt him he would have to go through her. The Trench King begrudgingly ordered the Trench to withdraw and Shellestriah followed with a final glance back at Marcus.[2]

Later, Shellestriah decided to change her ways and overcome the hunger of the Trench. She tracked down Pigsy and Marcus in Metropolis, where they were helping Supergirl clean up the damage caused by the Lazarus Storm, and asked Pigsy to teach her. Pigsy accepted her as a pupil immediately despite Marcus's reservations.

Suddenly, the group were attacked by skeleton demons. Marcus accused her of being behind it, but realised she was not when the demons attacked her too. Monkey Prince fought off the initial wave by creating an army of clones of himself from his own hairs, but the demons reformed into a single giant creature and snatched Supergirl, flying away. Pigsy and Shellestriah tried to chase them down but lost them over the Atlantic Ocean. Shellestriah dived into the water and was able to detect the scent of Supergirl's blood and track it to a small island. She helped to defeat the army of skeletons and rescue Supergirl, after which Marcus accepted her as a teammate.[3]





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Aquaman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Aquaman, or members of the Aquaman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Aquaman Villains."
