Secrets of Haunted House #29 is an issue of the series Secrets of Haunted House (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1980.
Synopsis for "Duel of Darkness"
A warlock is jealous of a rival and challenges him to a magic duel. He doesn't do so well so he conjures a demon and gets the demon to attack his rival by agreeing to give the demon his soul if the rival escapes the demon's power. The demon attacks the rival knowing that he can't defeat him as he is protected by the good magic of a white warlock. The demon takes the evil warlock with him back to Hell.
Appearing in "Duel of Darkness"
- Destiny (Host)
Featured Characters:
- Damon Redstone
Supporting Characters:
- Carmen Sonera
- Warlock
- Leviathan
- Spain
- Castillo De Magico
- Casa De Espantos
Synopsis for "Hide and Seek"
Herbert Bourne waits anxiously for his dying uncle to finally pass so that he may inherit his money. He gets impatient and tricks his uncle so that he may learn the location of the secret vault. While his uncle sleeps, Herbert kills his uncle, making it look like he died of heart failure. Lieutenant Fenton is convinced it was murder as Herbert's uncle sent him a letter before his death, which explained how he believed he was going to be murdered by his nephew. After retiring, Fenton still wishes to prove Herbert killed his uncle, put cannot prove it until many years later, when a demolition crew destroys the Bourne's house, revealing the locations of the secret vault, with the rotting corpse of Herbert Bourne inside. Herbert had accidentally locked himself inside the vault and could not get out.
Appearing in "Hide and Seek"
- Destiny (Host)
Featured Characters:
- Lieutenant Fenton
Supporting Characters:
- Jennings
- Herbert Bourne (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Simon Bourne (Dies)
Synopsis for "Master of the Double-Cross"
After a seance, Ed Gunneson takes the recently departed J. Philip Osgood's typewriter. The typewriter begins to produce a novel, seemingly by itself, and Ed passes it off as his work. He has it published as a novel entitled Live Fast, Die Young, but he is accused of plagarism and fraud when J. Philip Osgood's son finds his fathers lost manuscripts, which are identical to the novel published by Ed Gunneson. It turns out, during another seance, J. Philip's spirit had told his remaining family the whereabouts of his manuscripts, while his ghost used the typewriter to write the novel. As a result, the man who stole his typewriter would be charged with plagarism.
Appearing in "Master of the Double-Cross"
- Destiny (Host)
Featured Characters:
- Edward Gunneson
Supporting Characters:
- Jack Osgood
- Lucille Osgood
- Beatrice
- Mr. Kandel
- Richard
- Emily
Synopsis for "Skin Deep"
Want to be model, Julie Robinson, tries to get a modelling contract with Josephine Johnson, but she discovers the horrors which occur behind the scenes. She finds that Josephine's models underwent extensive plastic surgery, and must have blood transfusions every now and then. Julie finds the room where the surgeries take place and tries to put a stop to what's going on. She finds herself under the scalpel of Dr. Paul Nagel and is transformed. She then achieves her dream of becoming a model for Josephine and leads Josephine's Spring fashion exhibit. The crowd see her beauty and enter a trance-like state, where everyone suddenly feels compelled to touch Julie and the other models. Upon being touched, the models begin to melt until there is nothing left except for bones, hair and melted flesh.
Appearing in "Skin Deep"
- Destiny (Host)
Featured Characters:
- Julie Robinson (Dies)
- Josephine Johnson
- Paul Nagel
See Also