DC Database

In the 1930s, amid the run-up to the Second World War, as conducted in the Quality Universe, neutral countries included Andorra, Argentina, Cerania, Herma, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Moravia, Portugal, Quanalla, Ruina, San Marino, San Miguel, Slovia, Spa

Quote1 The government of San Miguel didn't earn its nickname, "the South Africa of Central America" for its peaceful intentions. Quote2
—Deathstroke the Terminatorsrc

The tiny Central American nation of San Miguel was officially neutral during World War II. In more recent times, the San Miguelian government has retained a notorious international mercenary, who exposed a corrupt national official.


Quality Universe

In the 1930s, amid the run-up to the Second World War, as conducted in the Quality Universe, neutral countries included Andorra, Argentina, Cerania, Herma, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Moravia, Portugal, Quanalla, Ruina, San Marino, San Miguel, Slovia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Yadovnia.

In 1940, prior to the U.S. entry into the World War, the Axis Powers enjoyed a strategic naval advantage, at least in terms of their very large, fast, heavily armed, heavily armored, "pocket battleships" and other dreadnoughts. These sea-raiders preyed on transatlantic shipping, virtually at will. One such raider, the infamous "Wolf", secretly took on supplies in the neutral port of San Miguel. Whether by coincidence or not, the Wolf's berth was directly across the slip from that of a U.S. freighter, the "Arkian", which was the warship's designated next target. Due to the unexpected and disruptive involvement of an American secret agent, the Wolf's timetable was abruptly adjusted, and the Wolf brought its big naval guns to bear, from just a few hundred yards away, and opened fire on the moored freighter. The Arkian cast off and got underway, just enough to sink in the harbor's shallows, and block the channel, trapping the Wolf in the port. The vengeful captain of the Wolf shelled the Arkian's lifeboats. The San Miguelian Army ultimately arrived to take charge of the situation.

New Earth

Late in the 20th Century, the government of San Miguel released the former revolutionary Jorge Zaxtro from prison. A series of attempts were made on Zaxtro's life, and the government retained a notorious international mercenary to safeguard Zaxtro. At that time it was believed that Zaxtro's former revolutionary comrades were behind the murder attempts, but the professional mercenary discerned that the assassins were armed with weapons far more advanced than any that the Rebels had ever possessed, and deduced that one of the Government officials, Ramon Trujillo, had been dealing arms to both sides, and was in fact the only person attempting to assassinate Zaxtro. Trujillo was turned over to the San Miguelian government.


  • Jorge Zaxtro
  • Ramon Trujillo

See Also
