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"All You Need is Hate": The villains are already fighting heavily amongst themselves, with very few mediators. Lex Luthor announces to the group that he, Doctor Sivana, Professor Ivo and General Immortus have devised a way to get them off the rock. As he's orati

Quote1 It's really just a question of who'll kill us first -- the monsters, or us? Quote2
— Weather Wizard

Salvation Run #3 is an issue of the series Salvation Run (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 2008.

Synopsis for "All You Need is Love Hate"

The villains are already fighting heavily amongst themselves, with very few mediators. Lex Luthor announces to the group that he, Doctor Sivana, Professor Ivo and General Immortus have devised a way to get them off the rock. As he's orating, The Joker loudly voices his distrust for Luthor as a leader, annoyed that he expects everybody else to listen when he hasn't even told them his plan. Joker questions why they should accept any authority there, when they didn't accept it back on Earth. While they're arguing, a new burrowing kraken-like monster attacks the camp, and Joker and Gorilla Grodd use Chemo to destroy it. Joker proclaims himself to be a humble hero of the people, and further denounces Luthor, likening him to aristocracy.

A bigger fight starts to break out in the camp between those who are working and those who aren't, which escalates until Iron Cross physically threatens the Joker as an endangerment to the camp. Joker shoots him in the head, killing him, and announces that he and Grodd are having a mutiny.

All hell breaks loose as those loyal to Luthor and those who prefer Joker have a massive battle, razing most of the camp in the process. Deciding it's getting out of hand, Grodd uses his telepathic powers to calm everybody down, and he and the Joker leave the camp to make it on their own elsewhere with all loyal to them. They take a very sizable portion of the camp with them.

As they're leading, Sivana angrily complains to Luthor about their situation. Luthor explains that knowing there would be a mutiny, he had asked Iron Cross to threaten Joker. His plan, which he believes was incredibly successful, was to simultaneously get rid of all of the worthless members of the camp who would sit around and squander resources, and create a common enemy as a motivational tool the remaining loyal to him would have to fight against.

After the chaos, Blockbuster III leaves the camp for an empty clearing in the middle of the woods, and reverts into Martian Manhunter. He reveals he has been sent to observe the villains, and is reporting to an unknown party on a communicator.

Appearing in "All You Need is Love Hate"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters

  • None



  • None


  • None


  • Joker's Body Count = 2

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

DC Universe
Countdown Crossover
The events from this issue or series are related to the Countdown to Final Crisis. Countdown was a weekly series spanning exactly 52 issues, and tying in with plots across many story arcs all over the DCU. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Countdown Crossover category.