DC Database

Quote1 There are many kinds of anger. In this case, I believe my rage was righteous. Quote2
— Razer src

Razer was a member of the Red Lantern Corps, but rebelled against them and fought on the side of the Green Lantern Corp.

A soldier on his homeworld, Razer was part of a band of militiamen seeking to oust the corrupt warlords who periodically raided their villages. One day, Razer returned home from battle to discover his wife, Ilana, had been murdered while he'd been away. Overcome with grief and self-loathing, Razer could not resist the power of the Red Lantern Ring that found him and was inducted into the Red Lantern Corps.

Razer rose quickly through the ranks of the Red Lanterns, and soon held a place of honor at Atrocitus' side alongside Zilius Zox. Atrocitus sent Razer and Zilius on a mission to kill Frontier Green Lanterns in preparation for an oncoming invasion of their forces into Guardian Space. They were defeated by Hal Jordan, and Razer had a change of heart and joined the Green Lantern's crew after being shown mercy by his former enemies.

They had many adventures together; at one point Razer departed to stay with the Blue Lantern Corps, who helped him calm his rage. Razer and Aya grew close, because she had based her voice and physical form on those of his wife. Razer eventually rejected her, seeing her as only a mockery of his dead wife. Being the recipient of such negative emotion caused Aya to shut down her emotions and operate purely on logic. Decapitating the Anti-Monitor and hijacking his body, Aya began a crusade to unmake all life. While intending to assassinate her during, Razer faltered when he realized he'd come to love Aya as her own being. Aya mortally wounded him in retaliation, and the shock brought her out of her emotionless state, allowing her to heal him. In order to destroy all the Manhunters under her command, Aya unleashed a computer virus that incapacitated both them and herself. While seemingly destroyed, Razer was determined to find some trace of her in the cosmos and went off on his own.

As he flew off into space, a Blue Lantern ring flew after him.


  • Alien Physiology: Razer belongs to a race which has a food storage system that can go for months without refilling.[1]





  • Red Lantern Ring (Formerly)
  • Blue Lantern Ring: Razer's determination to find Aya was so strong, it attracted a blue lantern ring, inducting him into the Blue Lantern Corps.

With blood and rage of crimson red, We fill men's souls with darkest dread, And twist your minds to pain and hate, We'll burn you all, that is your fate!



Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular Vol 1 1 Textless 1960s Variant
Green Lantern Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily an enemy of the Green Lantern of Earth, or the Green Lantern Corps as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Green Lantern Villains."

Red Lanterns Vol 1 1 Textless
DC Bullet 2024

Red Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Red Lantern Corps - a group of individuals whose capacity for rage is boundless, and who were equipped with a Power Ring.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Red Lantern Corps members category."

DC Bullet 2024

Blue Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Blue Lantern Corps, a carefully selected group of individuals who had the ability to instill great hope, and were equipped with a Power Ring.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Blue Lantern Corps members category."
