DC Database

"Silent Partner": Nightwing confronts Batman over his funding of the Outsiders, although Batman doesn't see why this is a problem for Nightwing - it was simply irrelevant information as far as he is concerned. Earlier, Arsenal had confessed that much of his intel had come from Batman, so this na

Quote1 What the Hell is the matter with you? I mean, aside from the obvious! Ignoring all the many layers of denial, and the fifty feet of psychological body armor that you throw up to avoid feeling anything! Aside from that -- ! And the pathological need to control everything on Earth and beyond! Ignoring all that -- ! What exactly is your compulsion, your burning desire to deceive, lie and manipulate the only people who give a good god damn about you!? Quote2
— Dick Grayson

Outsiders (Volume 3) #21 is an issue of the series Outsiders (Volume 3) with a cover date of April, 2005. It was published on February 23, 2005.

Synopsis for "Silent Partner"

Nightwing confronts Batman over his funding of the Outsiders, although Batman doesn't see why this is a problem for Nightwing - it was simply irrelevant information as far as he is concerned. Earlier, Arsenal had confessed that much of his intel had come from Batman, so this naturally comes up in the conversation as well. However, Batman denies all knowledge of this, and when Nightwing calls Arsenal, his colleague is also talking to Batman. Only it's not Batman - it is Deathstroke, who has been feeding Arsenal information for his own purposes, and now that this impostor has been exposed, he plans to kill Arsenal.

Appearing in "Silent Partner"

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  • This story partially deals with the aftermath of Identity Crisis. When Nightwing questions Batman as to why he has so much difficulty trusting his fellow heroes, he hazily recalls a lost memory of betrayal. This is the mindwipe given to him by Zatanna.[1]

See Also

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