DC Database

"Five by Five, Part Three: Personal Usage": The Outsiders confront the four remaining members of the Fearsome Five, who are attempting to launch a nuclear strike on Canada. Following a prolonged battle, Shift manages to divert the missile, and when he returns, he a

Quote1 I hope you don't think I'm going to pull my punches because you're a woman. I make different allowances for psychotic metahuman bald chicks. Quote2
— Arsenal

Outsiders (Volume 3) #15 is an issue of the series Outsiders (Volume 3) with a cover date of October, 2004. It was published on August 18, 2004.

Synopsis for "Five by Five, Part Three: Personal Usage"

The Outsiders confront the four remaining members of the Fearsome Five, who are attempting to launch a nuclear strike on Canada. Following a prolonged battle, Shift manages to divert the missile, and when he returns, he and Indigo finally acknowledge their unspoken attraction for one another. Once the Fearsome Five are behind bars, the Outsiders discover that their actions allowed an unknown other person to manipulate the stock market for his own ends. This person is Sivana, who sets up a new base on an island off the coast of Thailand.

Appearing in "Five by Five, Part Three: Personal Usage"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mr. Pedaros (Single appearance; dies)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
