You all have to realize that... well... we're... just no damn good. We're evil. Each of us for a variety of reasons, whether it's greed, narcissism, a chemical imbalance, poor upbringing, you name it... we have felt the need to do what is commonly thought of as bad. I gotta tell you, campers, when you accept that fact, it's all so much easier. Certainly a lot less stressful. So, let's get it together, bear down and remember that we're all striving towards a common goal. And if you don't -- I'll kill you.
- — Doctor Sivana
Outsiders (Volume 3) #13 is an issue of the series Outsiders (Volume 3) with a cover date of August, 2004. It was published on June 16, 2004.
Synopsis for "Five by Five, Part One: New Business"
The Outsiders find themselves at odds with the warden of Alcatraz, who refuses to give them access to the android bodies which replaced prisoners Mammoth and Jinx. Once she learns of Gizmo's escape, she orders them off the island, and the Outsiders are directed by Nightwing to split up and pursue the faint leads they have on the villains, who are attacking Lexcorp holdings in various locations. Jade and Shift encounter Mammoth, and are holding their own until Shimmer, returned to life by Doctor Sivana, arrives on the scene.
Appearing in "Five by Five, Part One: New Business"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Forrester (LexCorp Vice-President) (Single appearance; dies)
- Warden Davis (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Martin (Single appearance)
- Chicago
- LexCorp L.N.N.
- Metropolis
- Nevada
- LexCorp Kellacor Plant
- San Francisco