DC Database

Quote1 I have seen our near future, Legionnaires, and it is glorious chaos! Quote2
— Dream Girl src

Dream Girl is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Precognition is a power that almost all Naltorians have. When she was being recruited into the Legion, Nura Nal revealed to the founders Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad that they three had been in her dreams for cycles, which is why she was so excited to meet them in the flesh and bones for the first time.[1]

The founders were delighted with a sample of her powers when she showed them by astral projection the glorious chaos that will be the dream future of the Legion. Lightning Lad then gave her the alias Dream Girl.[1]

Nura Nal is one of the most powerful precognitives on Naltor,[2] and, during the battle between the combined forces of the Horraz, Mordru and Rogol Zaar, and the Legion in New Krypton, the combined action of herself, White Witch and Saturn Girl proved decisive.[3]





Legion of Super-Heroes II 07
DC Bullet 2024

Legion of Super-Heroes member
This character is or was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th/31st Century, in any one of their various continuities. Including but not limited to, Original Legion, the Reboot Legion, Prime Legion and the Post-Rebirth Legion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Legion of Super-Heroes members" category.
