Mystery in Space #7 is an issue of the series Mystery in Space (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1952.
Synopsis for Knights of the Galaxy: "Challenge of the Robot Knight"
Realizing that her father wouldn't give her a chance to qualify has a Galaxy Knight (because she is a woman), Ora disguises herself as a robot named R-41 and applies for membership.
Appearing in Knights of the Galaxy: "Challenge of the Robot Knight"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Space Pirate (Unnamed)
- Saturnian convicts
Other Characters:
- The Examiners
- 25th Century(changed from 30th to 25th century for the first time)
Synopsis for "The Man Who Weighed Twenty Tons"
Appearing in "The Man Who Weighed Twenty Tons"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "The Case of the Counterfeit Humans"
Appearing in "The Case of the Counterfeit Humans"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "The World Where Dreams Come True"
Science fiction writer Marty Reed is enjoying a successful career writing science fiction stories for a magazine. His editor praises his writing skills and inquires as to where Reed gets his ideas for his fantastic stories. Reed remarks that the ideas come to him as he dreams at night and he writes about them when he wakes up. One night Reed is preparing for bed when he is transported to the planet Venus in the year 3052. Two mobster type aliens appear and inform Reed that his writings contain sports predictions that have been amazingly accurate. They demand that Reed tell them who will win the Venusian Decathlon. The aliens have profited greatly from Reed's other predictions but they are missing the final page of the Decathlon story which identifies the winner. They kidnap Reed in hopes of him revealing the winner of the contest. The problem is that Reed has yet to write the story, he tell them that he must fall asleep so that he can dream and come up with the details and then write about them. The aliens eagerly hook Reed up to a dream machine which records his dream. They observe the Decathlon and note that the winner will be number 77 Ibis of Mars. They bet their substantial resources on Ibis but are soon disappointed when he loses and comes in second place. The winner of the Decathlon is actually Thor of Saturn. Thor is injured during the competition and he asks Ibis to claim the award on his behalf. That explained why the vision in the machine reflected that Ibis appeared to win. The aliens are furious but they are busted by an alien police force before they have a chance to harm Reed. He is returned back to Earth where he promptly writes about the experience he has just lived through. When he turns the story in, his editor rejects it because its too fantastic to believe.
Appearing in "The World Where Dreams Come True"
- Appearances not yet listed
- Challenge of the Robot Knight is reprinted in DC Super-Stars #2. The century where the Knights of the Galaxy have their adventures is altered from 30th Century to 25th Century in this issue without explanations.
- The Case of the Counterfeit Humans is reprinted in Strange Adventures #237.
- The World Where Dreams Come True is reprinted in DC Special #13.
See Also