DC Database

Quote1 Your wisdom makes even one such as I feel small, Ryan Choi. ...I shut my ears. After millennia, the weight of this world's tragedy was too heavy for even me to bear. It became easier to keep them shut. I grew complacent. Arrogant. Who were these self-interested specks bellowing from atop my stony skin. Did they think me incapable of plight? In the time since I came to this immensity, no one has met me as a peer. No one has come to me as a being, instead of a means. Until you, Ryan Choi. You understand big and small, you know they are relative concepts, and that no matter our scale...we all desire to be met with respect. Quote2
— Moz-Ga, the Thinking Planet src

Moz-Ga is a sentient planet that houses the consciousness of an ancient and powerful wizard of the same name.

This wizard had many devotees who traveled across the Microverse to make a pilgrimage to him but he grew weary of the billions of followers he had and turned himself into a hostile, lifeless terrain. In one of his many past lives, Hawkman stashed Nth Metal underneath its surface.[1]




Hawkman Vol 1 1
Hawkman and Hawkgirl Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Hawkman, or his associates Hawkgirl and Hawkwoman. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Hawkman Villains category."

Black Lantern Atom 02
Atom Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of one or more of the heroes called the Atom. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Atom Villains category."
