DC Database

"Green Arrow: "The Five Arrows"": Green Arrow and Speedy are captured by retired big game hunter John Hunt. Hunt forces them to survive his specially constructed private zoo with only five arrows between them. If they survive until nightfall, Hunt plans to hunt and kill them. Using their wits th

Quote1 Then you'll have to move mighty fast..Because this isn't dandruff on your shoulders! Quote2
— The Spectre

More Fun Comics #83 is an issue of the series More Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1942.

Synopsis for Green Arrow: "The Five Arrows"

Green Arrow and Speedy are captured by retired big game hunter John Hunt. Hunt forces them to survive his specially constructed private zoo with only five arrows between them. If they survive until nightfall, Hunt plans to hunt and kill them. Using their wits the archers survive and escape the zoo. Hunt chases them inside his mansion where they are apparently trapped. Using nuts scattered on the floor, Green Arrow is able to locate the hunter in the dark and disarm him. Hunt flees, but he becomes electrocuted on the electrified fence surrounding the zoo.

Appearing in Green Arrow: "The Five Arrows"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • John Hunt

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Doctor Fate: "The Two Fates"

Two former Gypsy carnival workers set themselves up as "the Two Fates," who offer to sell amateur tapestries to individuals for a large sum of money, with the guarantee that the fate shown in it will come true. Then the two fortune-tellers begin to blackmail the underworld. Initially, the gang leaders scoff at their predictions, but when the crime bosses turn up dead, the underworld takes notice.

Gang boss Lucky Lewis is the first to cooperate with the fortune-tellers. Their activities bring them to Dr. Fate's attention, when he attempts to rescue Inza from the scene of a robbery. Dr. Fate and Inza are captured, but the sorcerer escapes. He then leads the Two Fates into a trap, apprehending them for the authorities.

Appearing in Doctor Fate: "The Two Fates"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Two Fates (Single appearance)
    • Mario
    • Jagor
  • Lucky Lewis (Single appearance)
    • Fatso (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Lifter Mills (Single appearance)
  • Larry (Single appearance)
  • Jim (Single appearance)



Synopsis for Aquaman: "Thomas Jefferson's Treasure"

Black Jack enlists the aid of rare coin dealer Drew Carson to help salvage a treasure of 1804 U.S. silver dollars. Carson's fiancee contacts Aquaman in hopes that he can protect her boyfriend. When Black Jack tries to double-cross Carson and take the treasure, Aquaman rescues the coin dealer. He captures Black Jack and his accomplice, then turns them over to the authorities.

Appearing in Aquaman: "Thomas Jefferson's Treasure"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Vera Hannay
  • Drew Carson




Synopsis for Johnny Quick: "Mercury Messenger Service"

Johnny befriends a messenger boy and learns that crooks are trying to put the service out of business. When the crooks injure the boy, Johnny fills in for him as a messenger. The crooks set a trap for him, then try to kill him. Johnny escapes and turns in the crooks. He gives the reward money to the injured boy.

Appearing in Johnny Quick: "Mercury Messenger Service"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for The Spectre: "Leatherpusher Law"

Percival Popp becomes a boxer when he suspects former champion Hank Morris was drugged during a fight. Meanwhile, the Spectre tracks a group of smugglers to the gym where Popp is training. Gangster Blackie Barrow, who is behind both crimes, sets up Popp as an underdog and fixes his fights. Spectre uncovers the secret of the smuggling ring, as the crooks hide the goods inside gym equipment. He breaks up the gang, and Morris returns to the ring to become champion again.

Appearing in The Spectre: "Leatherpusher Law"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Blackie Barrow

Other Characters:

  • Kid Morris
  • Hammerin' Hank Morris






  • In this issue the Tower of Fate is called "Castle Destiny".

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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