DC Database

"Blackhawk: "The Ancestors of Arda Thorn"": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 Gentlemen, we're in a position to act as judge and jury! What's your verdict on Arda Thorn? Quote2
— Blackhawk

Modern Comics #97 is an issue of the series Modern Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1950.

Synopsis for Blackhawk: "The Ancestors of Arda Thorn"

Appearing in Blackhawk: "The Ancestors of Arda Thorn"

Featured Characters:


  • Scholar Skeed
    • his gang
  • Arda Thorn
  • Pizen Thorn (long-dead ancestor) (Flashback only)
    • Harpe Gang (Flashback only)
  • Murrell (long-dead land pirate) (Flashback only)
  • Dooley Thorn (long-dead ancestor) (Flashback only)
  • Hurley Thorn (Flashback and main story)
    • Dalton Gang (Flashback only)
  • Chopper Thorn (long-dead ancestor) (Flashback only)
    • three ex-henchmen
  • Slippy Duvan
  • Ford Wilters
    • Ense
    • Boggle

Other Characters:

  • General George Johnson (long-dead lawman)
  • Jotham Tuft, farmer



  • Skeed's book: "Genealogy of Arda Thorn"


Synopsis for Torchy: "The Mermaid Gig"

Appearing in Torchy: "The Mermaid Gig"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tess Parker
  • Ed Tracy

Synopsis for Will Bragg: "The Antique Clock"

Appearing in Will Bragg: "The Antique Clock"

Featured Characters:

  • Will Bragg

Supporting Characters:

  • Mrs. Mahoulahan, his landlady


  • I. Rookham, famous antique collector
  • competing famous antique collector

Other Characters:

  • unnamed annoying fangirl
  • Frank Buntz, farmer
  • Peters, barber


  • famous Whittington Clock

Synopsis for Ezra: "Foley's Millionth Customer"

Appearing in Ezra: "Foley's Millionth Customer"

Featured Characters:

  • Ezra Jones

Other Characters:

  • Myrna
  • Rollo
  • Mr. Jones
  • Mrs. Jones


  • Blackhawk: "The Ancestors of Arda Thorn"
    • This is the thirty-third appearance of the team's North American F-86 Sabrejets, and so far no character and no caption has mentioned the change, or called the new aircraft anything more specific than "Blackhawk Planes."
    • Blackhawk is the sole living great-grandson of early American lawman George Johnson.
    • Blackhawk still smokes a pipe.[1]
    • The Blackhawk Squadron goes hunting on foot for an outlaw in the "Jesse James Country" of Missouri, but don't bring along any firearms. When they do it again, in the town of Pickett, Chop Chop at least has a handgun.
  • Also featured in this issue of Modern Comics was "Toll of the Desert" (text story, featuring Blackhawk)

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.