New and terrible weapons will be yours. Report to my chief of staff at once!
- — Adolf Hitler
Military Comics #21 is an issue of the series Military Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1943.
Synopsis for Blackhawk: "Von Volter the Terrible"
Appearing in Blackhawk: "Von Volter the Terrible"
Featured Characters:
- Nazi Party
- Adolf Hitler
- Hermann Göring
- Von Volter (wears a monocle) (Single appearance; dies)
- Germany
- Blackhawk Island
- occupied village of Rabbano
- seven Blackhawk Grumman XF5F Skyrockets
- "Der Hassenpheffer": 8-engine 3-tail seaplane bomber (Destroyed)
Synopsis for Private Dogtag: "The Voice Thrower"
Appearing in Private Dogtag: "The Voice Thrower"
Featured Characters:
- Herr Rottenherring
- Herr Schmelly
Synopsis for Death Patrol: "Von Ribbontripe and Hirocheato"
Appearing in Death Patrol: "Von Ribbontripe and Hirocheato"
Featured Characters
- Death Patrol
- Del Van Dyne
- Boris
- Gramps
- King Hotintot
- Yogi
- Von Ribbontripe (wears a monocle, even in the bathtub) (Single appearance; dies)
- Hirocheato (Single appearance; dies)
- Tojo
- Tojo's personal plastic surgeon
- Japanese fake "Gramps" (Dies)
- Death Patrol self-designed home-built fighter planes
Synopsis for P.T. Boat: "The Shanghaied Supply Ship"
Appearing in P.T. Boat: "The Shanghaied Supply Ship"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- MTB Squadron Six
- PT Squadron Commander (not yet named)
- PT Boat Crew
- Japanese Navy
- Captain Hada (Single appearance; dies)
- Japanese crew of U.S. supply ship (all die)
Other Characters:
- Captain Wermer, supply ship skipper (Dies)
- South Pacific Ocean
- Oalu Island (secret Japanese submarine supply depot)
- PT-72
- PT-9, and another PT Boat
- many Japanese Fighter Planes (two destroyed)
- Allied small coastwise supply vessel (captured, recaptured)
- at least three Japanese Submarines (two destroyed)
Synopsis for Arctic Patrol: "Search and Rescue"
Appearing in Arctic Patrol: "Search and Rescue"
Featured Characters:
- Arctic Patrol
- Lt. Dick Parunak
- Lt. Bernt Balchen
Other Characters:
- 13-man bomber crew
- rescue party
- USN PBY5A Flying Boat
- B-17 Flying Fortress
Synopsis for Sniper: "The Curse of the Medal"
Appearing in Sniper: "The Curse of the Medal"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Adolf Hitler
- Hermann Goering
- Protector of Czechoslovakia (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
- Protector of Holland (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
- Protector of Norway (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
- Protector of Yugoslavo (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
- Protector of Greece (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
- Karl Von Alpst, Protector of Belgium (Dies)
- his troops (some die)
Other Characters:
- Franz Kellner, best craftsman in Germany (Dies)
Synopsis for Sailor Danny: "Tana Lurner"
Appearing in Sailor Danny: "Tana Lurner"
Featured Characters:
- Sailor Danny
Other Characters:
- Tana Lurner
Synopsis for Secret War News: "Flying Forts Blast Berlin"
{Nonfiction account of the earliest B-17 daylight bombing raids over Germany, in summer 1942}
Appearing in Secret War News: "Flying Forts Blast Berlin"
- Lt. Charley Paine
- his bomber crew: Gunner Purcell, Sergeant Bouthillier, Tail Gunner Taucher, Lieutenant Robert Long (copilot), Top Turret Gunner Tom Coburn, Ball Turret Gunner Sheeder, Starboard Waist Gunner Peterson, Navigator Thompson, others
- Luftwaffe
- Hermann Göring (Mentioned only)
- his men, Belch, others
- Berlin
- Templehof Airplane Factory
- U.S. B-17 Flying Fortress bombers: "Phyllis", others
- German ME-110 high-altitude fighters
- German FW-190 high-speed fighters (Goering's own "Yellow-Nose Squadron")
- Blackhawk: One of Von Volter's underlings mentions Baron von Tepp, also known as the Butcher, from Military Comics #13.
- Last issue for Gill Fox on Death Patrol, replaced next issue by Al Stahl.
- "Hirocheato" is the Emperor of Japan, and he does die in this story. This gives rise to no end of continuity problems, the simplest explanation for which is that these Death Patrol stories are not really set in the same Quality Universe as the Blackhawks or Uncle Sam. Or other Death Patrol stories, for that matter. "Hirohito" like many formerly-dead Death Patrol members, will appear next issue.
- When Hirocheato and Von Ribbontripe are killed in an explosion, the Hindu Death Patrol member, Yogi, exclaims "Allah have mercy on them!"
- P.T. Boat
- Harvey and Tobias are now in command of PT-72.
- They now are both Lieutenants.
- Two more enemy submarine crews are killed.
- Secret War News
- "This is an actual story based upon inside facts gathered from U.S.N. Information Bureaus."
- Also appearing in this issue of Military Comics were:
- Blackhawk: "Fate Fights For Freedom" (text story)
- Johnny Doughboy by Bernard Dibble
See Also
Links and References
This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.