DC Database

Quote1 That's why you need me, to keep you in check. Quote2
— Mia Dearden src

Mia Dearden was a protegé of Oliver Queen.

By 2009, the teenaged Mia had been forced into prostitution by Rick DeGroot. Oliver Queen found Mia in an underground fight club and took her in, helping her off the streets and away from Rick.[2] After she was kidnapped by Vordigan and learned that Oliver was Green Arrow, she began training under him.[3]

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Mia as Speedy.

However, after some time, Oliver began to be distracted by other matters and sent Mia to Dinah Lance (the Black Canary). Dinah wasn't up for the mentor role either, but under Dinah Mia developed her own costumed persona, Speedy. Later, Dinah sent Mia to San Francisco, to be trained alongside other younger members of the Watchtower Network. Together with the other youngsters, Mia became a founding member of the Titans.[4]





Teen Titans 0002
Teen Titans member
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category.

Justice League 0002
Justice League member
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.
