Masters of the Universe (also known as He-Man and the Masters of the Universe) is a fantasy franchise based on action figures by Mattel. The hero He-Man and the group of the Masters struggle against the evil forces of Skeletor to save Eternia.
Licensed comics
- DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe (Volume 1)
- He-Man and the Masters of the Multiverse (Volume 1)
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Volume 1)
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Volume 2)
- He-Man: The Eternity War (Volume 1)
- Masters of the Universe (Volume 1)
- Masters of the Universe (Volume 2)
- Masters of the Universe: The Origin of He-Man
- Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Hordak
- Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Skeletor
- Action Comics #537
- All-Star Squadron #15
- Arak: Son of Thunder #15
- Batman #353
- Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew #9
- DC Comics Presents #51
- Firestorm (Volume 2) #6
- Justice League of America #208
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #293
- New Teen Titans #25
- Supergirl (Volume 2) #1
- Superman #377
- Warlord #63
- Wonder Woman #297
See Also
- Characters from Masters of the Universe
- Other things related to Masters of the Universe
- Masters of the Universe's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Masters of the Universe