The Marvel Family #1 is an issue of the series The Marvel Family (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1945. It was published on November 21, 1945.
Synopsis for "The Mighty Marvels Join Forces!"
A man in a black and yellow Marvel Family suit lands in the middle of a city intersection. When a cop angrily tells him to move, he tries to snap the man in two for having the audacity to address his betters in such a manner. Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel, Jr. are on hand to save the beleaguered officer of the law. To their great surprise, he isn't only dressed like them, he has all the same powers as them too and is unhurt even by their mighty blows. With superhuman speed he slips away into the crowd to have time to come up with a way to deal with his new rivals. Hoping for answers, Billy and Freddy head to Shazam's tomb and summon the wizard's ghost. He's disturbed to hear that his former pupil, Black Adam, has returned to Earth, and tells the sorry tale.
- In the days of ancient Egypt, Shazam tried to empower a champion as he empowered them in the modern day. The recipient he selected was a man named Teth-Adam, who by saying "Shazam" became Mighty Adam, the first World's Mightiest Mortal. Adam was corrupted by his power, overthrew the pharaoh and was soon dreaming of global conquest. Unable to harm the invulnerable champion-turned-tyrant, Shazam renamed him Black Adam and instead banished him to the farthest star in the universe. By flying for 5000 years, Black Adam finally managed to return to the world of his birth.
As soon as the specter fades, Black Adam springs from the shadows and gags the boys before they can transform. Noticing Billy and Freddy are missing, Mary and Dudley go to Shazam's tomb hoping for some help finding. Seeing them at the mercy of the World's Mightiest Villain, Mary transforms while Dudley saves the boys. Even the entire Marvel Family's unable to budge their predecessor. Dudley summons the wizard's ghost again for advice, and is told to make Adam say his name. Dudley then tries to convince the others to let Adam join them. After all, he got his powers from the same wizard, whose name he repeatedly fails to pronounce, prompting a frustrated Black Adam to correct him that the name is "Shazam". Which on cue summons magic lightning that reverts Black Adam to his mortal form. Since he's thousands of years old, Adam immediately decays away to his skeleton.
Appearing in "The Mighty Marvels Join Forces!"
Featured Characters:
- Marvel Family
- Captain Marvel/Billy Batson (Flashback and main story) (Origin)
- Captain Marvel, Jr./Freddy Freeman (Flashback and main story) (Origin)
- Mary Marvel/Mary Batson (Flashback and main story) (Origin)
- Uncle Marvel/Uncle Dudley
Supporting Characters:
- Shazam (Flashback and main story)
- Sterling Morris
- Black Adam/Teth-Adam/Mighty Adam (First appearance) (Flashback and main story) (Origin) (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Achilles (Mentioned only)
- Atlas (Mentioned only)
- Hercules (Mentioned only)
- Mercury (Mentioned only)
- Sarah Primm (Mentioned only)
- Solomon (Mentioned only)
- Zeus (Mentioned only)
- Earth-S
- Rock of Eternity (named for the first time)
Synopsis for "The Marvel Family and Baby Marvel"
Appearing in "The Marvel Family and Baby Marvel"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Black Bucher (Single appearance)
- His henchmen (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Baby Marvel (Single appearance)
- Baby Marvel's mother (Single appearance)
- Earth-S
- New York City
- Shazam, Inc.
- WHIZ Radio
- New York City
- This issue also includes:
- A half-page untitled Boxcar Benny comic story by an unknown creative team
- A three-and-a half-page Richard Richard, Private Dick comic story titled "The Show Case" written, penciled and inked by Dick McKay.
- A two-page text story titled "Shamrocks for Perry" written by Bert Mill.
- The complete issue was reprinted in Facsimile Edition: The Marvel Family #1.
- "The Mighty Marvels Join Forces!":
- This story was also reprinted in Shazam! #8, Shazam!: From the 40's to the 70's, Adventure Comics #497, Shazam! and the Shazam Family! Annual #1 and Shazam!: A Celebration of 75 Years.
- First appearance of Black Adam. He will be resurrected by Dr. Sivana in Shazam! #28, almost 32 years later.
- The story was loosely adapted in the episode of The Kid Super Power Hour with Shazam! titled "Black Adam's Return" and the animated movie Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Marvel Family Recommended Reading
- Whiz Comics (Volume 1)
- Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1)
- Captain Marvel, Jr. (Volume 1)
- Mary Marvel (Volume 1)
- Master Comics (Volume 1)
- Wow Comics (Volume 1)
- The Marvel Family (Volume 1)
- Hoppy the Marvel Bunny (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam!: The New Beginning (Volume 1)
- The Power of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder (Volume 1)
- Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil (Volume 1)
- The Trials of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 2)
- Shazam! (Volume 3)
- Shazam! (Volume 4)
- The New Champion of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 5)