DC Database

Loomis was an associate of the Legion of Super-Heroes during the Five Years Later period.

He had been a childhood friend and mentor of Rokk Krinn, and also served with him in the army during the Braal-Imsk War, losing an arm and his natural powers in the disastrous battle at Venado Bay. His technical skills make him an excellent mechanic and engineer for the Legion, and he has been put in charge of Legion Headquarters.


  • Magnetic Manipulation: Braalians have the natural ability to lift and manipulate metal. Braalians can produce a number of effects. They can manipulate, repel or attract metal objects of varying sizes. Naturally, the more metal is in an object the easier it is for them to affect magnetically. Their super-magnetism has only a slight effect on the metallic particles of smog. Braalians are able to juggle smaller metal objects. Braalians have pulled large iron meteors and satellites down from space with minimal effort, as well. They can use his magnetic power on rocks that contain iron ore.
  • Magnetic Force-Fields: Braalians can protect themselves from physical harm, can stretch her fields to protect a large group, and can suspend persons or objects in the air.
  • Magnetic Flight: Braalians can suspend themselves in flight by riding the Earth's magnetic field.
  • Electromagnetic Sight: By concentrating, Braalians can perceive the world around himself solely as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. They can perceive the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well.
  • Magnetic Pulse: Braalians can focus his magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts. They can also overload or short-circuit electrical systems.
  • Energy Absorption: Braalians have been shown absorbing some forms of energy through his magnetic force fields to temporarily boost his own strengths. Such as Cosmic Boy, he absorbed Lightning Lads's lightning blast.
  • Geomagnetic Link: Braalians are tied very closely to Braals's or what ever planet he is on EM Field. As is it effected, so are they. He knows instinctively all that happens to it.
  • Organic Iron Manipulation: Braalians have such control over his powers that he is able to manipulate the natural iron within the blood of living organisms.




Legion of Super-Heroes II 07
DC Bullet 2024

Legion of Super-Heroes member
This character is or was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th/31st Century, in any one of their various continuities. Including but not limited to, Original Legion, the Reboot Legion, Prime Legion and the Post-Rebirth Legion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Legion of Super-Heroes members" category.
