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"A Fistful of Bastiches: Fraggin' Train!": This Elseworlds Annual features a series of non-continuity stories that are pastiches of many famous Western movies and television programs.

Lobo Annual (Volume 2) #2 is an issue of the series Lobo Annual (Volume 2) with a cover date of July, 1994. It was published on May 24, 1994.

Synopsis for "A Fistful of Bastiches: Fraggin' Train!"

This Elseworlds Annual features a series of non-continuity stories that are pastiches of many famous Western movies and television programs.

The wagonmaster leads a wagon train through the harsh desert, destination: Sweetwater Valley. However they encounter the local tribe who refuse the offering of paltry trinkets, extorting them instead for all their alcohol. To avoid any additional costs in the future, Lobo slaughters them all with a gatling gun while they're in a drunken state.

Appearing in "A Fistful of Bastiches: Fraggin' Train!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Settlers
    • Old Timer (Unnamed)
  • Native Americans (Unnamed)



  • Gatling Gun


  • Canvas Wagons
  • Horseback

Synopsis for "Geronibo!"

Hearing of the massacre of his people, Chief Geronibo asks the Sky-Spirit for guidance. He is immediately struck by lightning and, by assumption, prepares for war. Upon attacking the settlers, they too are outmatched by the gatling guns. Geronibo lies riddled with bullets and questions why the Sky-Spirit would allow this. Another bolt of lightning leaves nothing but ash and bone.

Appearing in "Geronibo!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Native Americans (Unnamed)
  • Settlers
  • Sky-Spirit (Mentioned only)



  • Gatling Gun


  • Horseback

Synopsis for "Frag 'Em High!"

A lynch mob tries to hang a man for cheating at cards. As the noose tightens, the sheriff intervenes, gunning the angry men down. The victim thanks the sheriff for saving his life, only to be executed himself once he reveals himself to be Billy the Kid, wanted dead or alive.

Appearing in "Frag 'Em High!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lynch Mob (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Billy the Kid (Dies)
  • Liberty Valance (Dies)
  • The man who shot Liberty Valance
  • Townswoman (Unnamed)



  • Noose


  • Horseback

Synopsis for "The Lone Fragger and Tontbo!"

The age of the vigilante. The masked heroes The Lone Fragger and Tontbo gun down a gang of bank robbers.

Appearing in "The Lone Fragger and Tontbo!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bank Robbers (Unnamed)

Other Characters:

  • The man that shot Liberty Valance. (Dies)
  • The man that shot the man that shot Liberty Valance.




  • Horseback

Synopsis for "Workin' on th' Railroad!"

Whist hammering railroad spikes into the transcontinental line, one worker becomes irritated with another worker's singing. Refusing to stop his annoying tune, the first worker hammers his head into the tracks.

Appearing in "Workin' on th' Railroad!"

Featured Characters:

  • Railway Worker #1

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Railway Worker #2 (Dies)




Synopsis for "Fistful of Frag!"

Two rival ranchers hired bounty hunters to take each other out. On his arrival, Th' Man with No Name turns out to be hired by both parties. He shoots them both before leaving as abruptly as he arrived.

Appearing in "Fistful of Frag!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Rancher #1 (Unnamed) (Dies)
  • Rancher #2 (Unnamed) (Dies)


  • American Old West
    • Idabo (Mentioned only)
    • Aribona (Mentioned only)
    • Dabota (Mentioned only)
    • New Mexibo (Mentioned only)
    • Colorabo (Mentioned only)
    • Bohio (Mentioned only)
    • Mississippi (Mentioned only)
    • Chicago



  • Steam Train

Synopsis for "Treasure of Sierra Lobo!"

An old prospector meets a stranger on the way down the mountain. When the old man tries to defend his saddlebags laden with gold, he gets a knife embedded in his skull. The thief then adds the pack mule to his collection.

Appearing in "Treasure of Sierra Lobo!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Prospector (Unnamed) (Dies)



  • Bowie Knife
  • Gold


  • Pack mules

Synopsis for "Bo-Nanza!"

Paw Cartwright strikes it rich, and celebrates by loosing his virginity to three working girls. Nine months later however they arrive on his doorstep with three boys. Paw raised those boys to adulthood by himself, Adam, Hoss and Little Boe. He explains to them that when he's gone, Adam will be first in line, then Hoss, followed by Boe. Too impatient, Boe decides to claim his inheritance then and there.

Appearing in "Bo-Nanza!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Paw Cartwright
  • Adam Cartwright
  • Hoss Cartwright
  • Chippies (Dies)




  • Horseback
  • Horse-drawn buggy

Synopsis for "For a Few Frags More!"

It's a three-way Mexican standoff between Th' Man with No Name, "Angel Eyes" and "Tuco." The Man sets up a music box and tells them to fire when the music stops. When Hell breaks loose, it is Tuco who is targeted by the other two. The Man then hands over the box to Angel Eyes and walks away, allowing enough time to be out of range of the explosion.

Appearing in "For a Few Frags More!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • "Tuco" (Unnamed) (Dies)
  • "Angel Eyes" (Unnamed) (Dies)



  • Music box


Synopsis for "The Main Man on th' Prairie!"

Laura brings her new friend, Little Bo, to introduce him to her mother. Little Bo offers them a gift before leaving. On his way out, Bo kills their goat just before Walnut Grove goes up in flame.

Appearing in "The Main Man on th' Prairie!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Laura Ingalls (Dies)
  • Caroline Ingalls (Unnamed) (Dies)




Synopsis for "The Good, the Bad and the Bastich!"

A "nun" holds Jimbo at gunpoint, forcing him to unearth an unknown grave, in which the buried coffin contains purloined wealth. But a third party sneaks up on them. Billy the Rat shoots Jimbo in the back before taking the woman's disguise, and making her finish the job. When the coffin is finally opened, Billy finds a fourth party hiding inside waiting to blow him away. Th' Man with No Name then offers the scantily clad woman if she'd like to help him spend the reward money. They walk off into the sunset together.

Appearing in "The Good, the Bad and the Bastich!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • "Sister Sara" (Unnamed)
  • Jimbo (Dies)
  • Billy the Rat (Dies)




Synopsis for "Boklahoma!"

As the corn farmers are harvesting their crop, they inadvertently wake up Annie Boakley sleeping in the back of their wagon. She opens fire on all the happy-go-lucky townsfolk before returning to her siesta.

Appearing in "Boklahoma!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Corn farmers (Dies)
  • The man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot Liberty Valance (Mentioned only)




  • Stagecoach

Synopsis for "Gunfight at the Karaoke Corral!"

During kakaoke night at the local saloon, Butch Cassidy is booed off stage when singing, A Cowboy Needs a Horse. Wild Bo Hickock takes his place, singing the Theme from Rawhide, but he too is replaced by Buffalo Bo singing, Ghost Riders in the Sky. Once again the song is interrupted, this time by Comancherbo, inciting a bar fight which no one survives. When the undertaker arrives to claim the corpses, he pauses to pick up the megaphone and sings, Six More Miles to the Graveyard.

Appearing in "Gunfight at the Karaoke Corral!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Butch Cassidy
  • Undertaker (Unnamed)
  • The man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot Liberty Valance.



  • Megaphone


Synopsis for "The Fragnificent Seven!"

A small Mexican town hires seven gringos to protect them from the desperadoes led by Pancho Lobo. They work hard to fortify the town and train the men. When the bandits arrived, they pulled the leader down from his horse and beat him to death, or so they thought. It was a decoy, and the real Pancho Lobo was disguised as the horse. Revealing himself, brandishing a large gatling gun, Lobo destroyed all the men in sight before hitting the cantina.

Appearing in "The Fragnificent Seven!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • The Fragnificent Seven (Unnamed)
  • Gina
  • The man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot Liberty Valance (Mentioned only)




Synopsis for "Custer's Last Stand!"

While General Custer is indulging in feminine company, a native surreptitiously sneaks up to the roof, throwing a bundle of dynamite through the window.

Appearing in "Custer's Last Stand!"

Featured Characters:

  • Sitting Bo

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Man Who Shot the Man!"

The running gag come to a close as the final gunslinger bumps into the wrong saloon patron.

Appearing in "The Man Who Shot the Man!"

Featured Characters:

  • Th' man who blew up th' man who shot the man who shot th' man et-fraggin'-cetera right up ta Liberty fraggin' Valance

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • The man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot Liberty Valance (Dies)
  • The man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot the man who shot who shot the man who shot Liberty Valance (Dies)
  • Saloon patron (Unnamed)




Synopsis for "High Lanes Drifter!"

A lone desperado, the last of his kind, rides over the vast open desert, through a gap in the majestic rock faces and into the sunset... er... or rather, oncoming traffic.

Appearing in "High Lanes Drifter!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Horseback
  • Semi Truck and Trailer

Synopsis for "How the West Was Fragged!"

With the passing decades the Old West becomes a fleeting memory. Technology continues advancing until Professor Bo Boppenheimer succeeded in splitting the atom. Satisfying his own curiosity he fires his atomic gun at the unstable atom, creating the biggest explosion ever known, and destroying the Earth.

Appearing in "How the West Was Fragged!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Atomic Gun



  • "The Fragnificent Seven" was also the title to Lobo (Volume 2) #7.
  • In Chapter 9; A Few Frags More, one of the tombstones reads, "Snake" Plissken.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

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Elseworlds Annual
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This issue was part of the 1994 Elseworlds Annuals crossover event, in which every annual was an alternate universe story of their respective title characters. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Annuals and Elseworlds Annuals category.

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This comic issue, event, or limited series takes place in its own separate continuity as an Elseworlds story; although it may exist within a larger Elseworlds continuity as part of its series. This includes both titles with the Elseworlds Logo, and titles retroactively declared as Elseworlds Stories.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Elseworlds category.


Elseworlds Batman Batman Chronicles #11Batman Chronicles #21The Batman of ArkhamBatman: BloodstormBatman: The Blue, the Grey, and the BatBatman: Book of the DeadBatman: Brotherhood of the BatBatman: Castle of the BatBatman: Crimson MistBatman: Dark AllegiancesBatman: Dark Knight DynastyBatman: Dark Knight of the Round TableBatman: Detective No. 27Batman: The Doom That Came to GothamBatman: The Golden Streets of GothamBatman: Gotham by GaslightBatman: Gotham NoirBatman: Haunted GothamBatman: Hollywood KnightBatman: Holy TerrorBatman: I, JokerBatman: In Darkest KnightBatman: League of BatmenBatman: ManbatBatman: MasqueBatman: Master of the FutureBatman: NevermoreBatman: Nine LivesBatman: The Order of BeastsBatman: Red RainBatman: Reign of TerrorBatman: Scar of the BatBatman: ThrillkillerBatman: Year 100Batman/Dark Joker: The WildBatman/Demon: A TragedyBatman/Houdini: Devil's WorkshopBatman/LoboCatwoman: Guardian of GothamRobin 3000
Superman Kamandi: At Earth's EndSon of SupermanSuperboy's LegionSupergirl: WingsSuperman, Inc.Superman: A Nation DividedSuperman: At Earth's EndSuperman: The Dark SideSuperman: Distant FiresSuperman: KalSuperman: The Last Family of KryptonSuperman: Last Son of EarthSuperman: Last Stand on KryptonSuperman: Red SonSuperman: Speeding BulletsSuperman: True BritSuperman: War of the WorldsSuperman/Tarzan: Sons of the JungleSuperman/Wonder Woman: Whom Gods Destroy
World's Finest Batman: Two FacesElseworlds 80-Page Giant #1Elseworld's FinestElseworld's Finest: Supergirl & BatgirlSuperman & Batman: Doom LinkSuperman & Batman: GenerationsSuperman and Batman: World's FunnestThe Superman Monster
Trinity Batman: NosferatuSuperman's MetropolisWonder Woman: The Blue Amazon
Green Lantern Green Lantern: 1001 Emerald NightsGreen Lantern: Evil's Might
JLA/JSA JLA: Act of GodJLA: Age of WonderJLA: Created EqualJLA: DestinyJLA: Island of Dr. MoreauJLA: Riddle of the BeastJLA: Secret Society of Super-HeroesJLA: Shogun of SteelJSA: The Liberty FilesJustice League: The NailJustice League: Another NailJustice RidersJSA: The Golden AgeKingdom ComeLeague of JusticePlanetary/JLA: Terra Occulta
Other ConjurorsFlashpointTitans: Scissors, Paper, StoneWonder Woman: Amazonia

Annuals Action Comics Annual #6Adventures of Superman Annual #6Batman Annual #18Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual #4Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #2Catwoman Annual (Volume 2) #1Deathstroke the Terminator Annual #3Detective Comics Annual #7The Flash Annual (Volume 2) #7Green Lantern Annual (Volume 3) #3Justice League America Annual #8Justice League International Annual (Volume 2) #5L.E.G.I.O.N. Annual #5Legionnaires Annual #1Legion of Super-Heroes Annual (Volume 4) #5Lobo Annual (Volume 2) #2New Titans Annual #10Robin Annual (Volume 2) #3Steel Annual (Volume 2) #1Superboy Annual (Volume 4) #1Superman Annual (Volume 2) #6Superman: The Man of Steel Annual #3Team Titans Annual #2

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