All I know is, whenever scary superteams show up from the future, there's always an initial fistfight, followed by the obvious misunderstanding. In this case, we all started shaking hands with everyone as friends. That just means there's only one thing for us to do later.
- — Red Arrow
Justice League of America (Volume 2) #9 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 2) with a cover date of July, 2007.
Synopsis for "The Lightning Saga (Part III of V): Suicide"
The JLA and the JSA have already found four Legionnaires. Yet they don't know why the members of the Legion are here. Nonetheless, Dream Girl has prophesied that one of them will die.
Mister Terrific analyzes Wildfire's belt, but his tests find nothing unusual.
In the meantime, Batman tries to interrogate the Legionnaires stealthily. He admits aloud he can't believe they were randomly thrown across the globe.
The Flash (Jay Garrick), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Vixen and Wildcat have tracked down another Ring to Gorilla City. There they find Timber Wolf. Once he hears the trigger word, Timber Wolf recovers his memories and desires to go back with his team.
Power Girl, Red Arrow, Hawkman and Hawkwoman have headed to Thanagar in order to find another missing Legionnaire. The two male heroes find the whole quest highly suspicious and are sure the JLA and the JSA will come to blows with the Legion before it's over.
The group track the Ring down. To her surprise, Dawnstar has already left. She felt she was needed back on Earth and entrusted her Ring to a Thanagarian friend. Dawnstar's friend hands over the Ring and the group sails back Earth.
In the League's Headquarters, Timber Wolf rejoins his teammates. Londo asks the 21st century heroes excuse them for a moment. Black Canary and Mr. Terrific intend to spy on them, but the Legion Flight Rings start to glow and scramble the base's comm systems.
Once they have ensured their privacy, Dream Girl explains about her vision. Timber Wolf picks up Wildfire's belt, removes two small cylinders and extends them, revealing they're lightning rods similar to those the Legionnaires used in the past to bring Lightning Lad back.[1]
Dawnstar arrives, and the seven Legionnaires reveal their mission. They've gone back in time to bring someone back... even though one of them will surely die.
Appearing in "The Lightning Saga (Part III of V): Suicide"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Justice Society of America
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Brainiac 5 (Mentioned only)
- Dawnstar
- Dream Girl
- Karate Kid
- Starman
- Timber Wolf
- Wildfire
- Time Stealers (Unnamed)
- Doctor Destiny (Mentioned only)
- Solomon Grundy (Mentioned only)
Other Characters:
- Dolores Winters
- Dinosaurs
- Gorillas
- Thanagarians
- Barry Allen (Mentioned only)
- Buddy Baker (Mentioned only)
- Hall of Justice
- The Congo, Africa
- Thanagar
- Talak Building
- Lasso of Truth (On a TV or computer screen)
- Legion Flight Ring
- Legion Lightning Rods
- Nth Metal Wings
- Thanagarian Mace
- Responsometer (Mentioned only)
- The word "Suicide" in the title is written in Interlac.
- Dinah facetiously says Mister Terrific's concerned Reddy will "go all Westworld" on them.
- In Gorilla City, the birth of a "nzame" (white ape) only happens once every thousand years and is celebrated.
See Also
- Cover gallery for the Justice League of America series
- Images from Justice League of America Vol 2 9
Recommended Reading
- Justice League Recommended Reading
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 2)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3)
- Justice League of America (Volume 4)
- Justice League of America (Volume 5)
- JLA (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 2)
- Justice League (Volume 3)
- Justice League (Volume 4)
- Justice League International (Volume 1)
- Justice League International (Volume 2)
- Justice League International (Volume 3)
- Justice League Europe (Volume 1)
- Justice League America (Volume 1)
- Justice League Task Force (Volume 1)
- Justice League Quarterly (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 2)
- Extreme Justice (Volume 1)
- Justice League Elite (Volume 1)
- Justice League Odyssey (Volume 1)
- Justice League Unlimited (Volume 2)
- Justice Society Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- All-Star Comics (Volume 1)
- All-Star Squadron (Volume 1)
- America vs. the Justice Society (Volume 1)
- Infinity Inc. (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 2)
- JSA: All Stars (Volume 1)
- JSA Classified (Volume 1)
- JSA: Strange Adventures (Volume 1)
- JSA vs. Kobra (Volume 1)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 1)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 2)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 3)
- Justice Society of America (Volume 4)
- Last Days of the Justice Society Special #1
- Legion of Super-Heroes Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 2)
- The Legion (Volume 1)
- Legion Lost (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 4)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 7)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 8)
- Legionnaires (Volume 1)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
Links and References
Lightning Saga Crossover Issues Justice League of America (Volume 2) #8 • Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #5 • Justice League of America (Volume 2) #9 • Justice Society of America (Volume 3) #6 • Justice League of America (Volume 2) #10 |