DC Database

Quote1 I know I'm a geek. More in love with yesterday than tomorrow. Cool? No way. Quote2
— Jack Knight src

Jack Knight is the younger son of the original Starman, Ted Knight.

His mother died when he was young, and he grew up in the shadow of his legendary father, who had been a member of the original Justice Society. As a boy, Jack idolized his father, keeping a scrapbook of his exploits, but his relationship with Ted turned sour as he grew older. Jack began to rebel, finding his father's career as Starman embarrassing and rather silly. Jack began to abandon painting, which he had evidently been very good at, and his obsession with collectibles and antiques began.

When Jack reached adulthood, his father retired and passed the job of Starman to his son David. That was fine for Jack, because he never wanted to be a superhero. He was perfectly happy running his junk shop in Opal City.

Everything changed for Jack when his father's arch-enemy, the Mist, who was rapidly descending into senility, decided to come after his hated enemy one last time. He ordered his children, Kyle and Nash, to attack Ted and his family.

Kyle murdered David Knight while Nash, who had Jack at her mercy, decided she couldn't go through with it. Obtaining a Cosmic Rod, Jack was later forced to kill Kyle in battle.

Afterwards, Jack swore he would not take another life. Nash was arrested along with her father, but the death of her brother had a profound change upon her, as she successfully sought a way to transform herself into the new Mist.[1]

Recognizing that Opal City needed a hero, Jack agreed to fulfill that role if his father agreed to devote his science to helping humanity rather than superheroics.

Jack was a reluctant new superhero. He refused to adopt the Starman costume, fashioning a custom-made one from his junk shop that was more like street clothes. He even refitted the Cosmic Rod into a staff to better suit him.

When he first met the Shade, an immortal super-villain who had fought his father and the original Flash, he wanted Jack to become Opal's new champion. He insisted that Jack read his journals to understand his hometown, and his place in it, better.

More allies were found in the O'Dare Family, five siblings who were all in law enforcement, and whose father had been a close confidant to Ted Knight. Jack also found that at certain times of the year he could communicate with his brother David, who frequently appeared as a ghost to him.[2]

Robin - Burt Ward
Holy anachronisms, Batman!
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  • Jujutsu: Jack is trained in jujutsu to an above-average degree, though he is nowhere near master level.
  • Boxing: Jack has personally been trained by the likes of Wildcat, when it comes to boxing.[3]
  • Historiography: Jack is also very knowledgeable about antiques and collectibles.




David Knight
Jack Knight
Thom Kallor

Justice Society of America 014
DC Bullet 2024

Justice Society of America member
This character has been a primary member of the Justice Society of America in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice Society of America members" category.

Justice League 0002
Justice League member
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or simply the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category.
