Infinity Inc. #53 is an issue of the series Infinity Inc. (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1988.
Synopsis for "Death, When It Must Come..."
Jade awakens to find Brainwave, Jr. is frozen solid and tries to use their mental bond to try to wake him up. She feels herself being pulled into Hank’s mind and has to navigate his mind-scape while Hank contends mentally with his late father, Henry, Sr. (The original Brain Wave.) Jade encourages him that the Brain Wave is still evil (or whatever part of him still remains inside Hank) and that a real father would want him to live. Outside, she collapses, telling him not to follow his father into death…
At Stellar Studios, Stripesy begs the Dummy to shoot only him and preferably not his son. The Dummy admits they just want to kill Infinity, Inc and he doesn’t care that he has a son, only that he’s Skyman’s partner. Harlequin is attracted to his vicious and inhuman nature, but Hazard is thrown off, not wanting to exactly murder a child. The Dummy says he won’t have Injustice Unlimited looking bad and even openly admits that he was behind the death of Skyman and Pat hugs his son closely. Before the Dummy can fire, the lights suddenly shut off and Pat and Mikey suddenly disappear. The Dummy suspects that Hazard is responsible and whispers to Harlequin that he intends to probably kill her. Mikey manages to help his father to the hangar and hit a button, letting the away team hear what’s happening. Nuklon gets the call and realizes that Pat’s in danger and says they could rather use some reinforcements… finding that Mr. Bones is on the craft! Mr. Bones thinks on how Dr. Beth Chapel learned that he’s a black man and when he learned that Skyman was dead and he was supposedly to blame. He broke out to try to solve the case himself and tried to get Helix involved, but they turned on him, so now Infinity, Inc is all he has left.
Mikey and Pat try to hide in a vent while Artemis fires a flare-arrow (and Icicle just turns the lights on) and Injustice Unlimited soon drag Pat out of the vent while Mikey escapes and threaten to kill them both again, only for Stripesy to sucker-punch Harlequin. The Infinitors arriving realize they have the element of surprise and Obsidian, hearing that Jade and Brainwave, Jr. might be dead, changes into his shadow form to go after them, despite it hurting him to do so in the middle of the day. He soon finds Jade and the frozen Brainwave, diving into his mind and managing to chase off the ghost of the Brain Wave, reviving his son. They soon find Stellar Studios a blasted-out ruin and Stripesy chained to a dilapidated wall. Wildcat goes in after him and Nuklon chases after her, warning it’s probably a trap, while Mr. Bones is flash-frozen by the Icicle and Solomon Grundy attacks Nuklon to fight him back. Icicle taunts Artemis to try her hand at doing something and she fires a delayed explosive-arrow at Wildcat, knocking her over… only for her to sucker-punch Artemis when she gets close, having only played dead. Hazard, meanwhile, claims she dropped her dice in the main building. With Icicle holding back Mr. Bones, Harlequin uses her illusions on Wildcat, sending her reeling, while Grundy manages to knock out Nuklon by hitting him with a huge rock. Icicle tries to get Grundy over to help him kill Mr. Bones (or try to kill him too,) but Grundy refuses, since he only listens to Jade and Harlequin is busy messing with Wildcat’s head. She soon changes into Jade to try to order Grundy to kill Nuklon with Mr. Bones’ touch, but the real Jade (and the rest of the Infinitors) arrive to stop him. However, since Jade can’t use her power pulse at that moment, Harlequin is more convincing and Brainwave, Jr. tries to appeal to Grundy. Harlequin’s illusion fails her due to Brainwave and she tries to pull a lighter on Grundy, thinking he’s scared of fire. Icicle goes in to try to freeze Brainwave again as Wildcat starts to recover. Grundy starts to angrily strangle Harlequin until she’s out cold. Obsidian doesn’t really care if she dies, but Nuklon and Jade don’t want him to and Jade manages to use her power pulse to show she’s the real deal. Believing her, Grundy throws Harlequin into a wall instead, killing her. Meanwhile, Stripesy has managed to escape and locked the Dummy in his shackles, leaving his wooden body to burn in the studio fire. The Dummy pleads for Jade to save him, but she uses a power pulse to knock out Icicle first. Stripesy manages to convince Wildcat that Hazard isn’t part of Injustice Unlimited by now and Brainwave says that Stellar Studios is destroyed by now and Grundy has escaped. Jade thinks that he’s too confused to likely trust anyone now and they won’t see Solomon Grundy again. Jade manages to teleport everyone away and the rest of the Infinitors mourn as Pat spreads Skyman’s ashes over the ruins of Stellar Studios with Mikey, soon to return and regroup with the others...
Appearing in "Death, When It Must Come..."
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jonni Thunder (Final full appearance)
- Mister Bones
- Pat Dugan
- Injustice Unlimited (Final appearance)
Other Characters:
- Mikey Dugan
- Brainwave (As an illusion only)
- New Earth
- Stellar Studios (Destroyed)
- Hazard's Dice
- Final issue of the series. The FINI in the book's title logo is colored red to indicate this.
- Final appearance of this iteration of Infinity, Inc.
- The letters column claims that the series would be followed by an ongoing Helix title that was never published.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- All-Star Comics (Volume 1)
- All-Star Squadron (Volume 1)
- Infinity Inc. (Volume 1)
- Infinity Inc. (Volume 2)