DC Database

"Concert in the Key of...Chroma": At a rock concert at which Infinity, Inc. is providing security, an alien being called Chroma sings a strange song that seems to envision the Earth's birth, life, and death.

Quote1 My reality, I fear, lies beyond your comprehension. Quote2
— Chroma

Infinity Inc. #14 is an issue of the series Infinity Inc. (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1985.

Synopsis for "Concert in the Key of...Chroma"

At a rock concert at which Infinity, Inc. is providing security, an alien being called Chroma sings a strange song that seems to envision the Earth's birth, life, and death.

Appearing in "Concert in the Key of...Chroma"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Obsidian learns his shadow-form is bulletproof in this issue.
  • In the opening panel, Todd and Norda is walking down the street past a theater that has a poster for the Super Girl movie from 1984.
  • The opening panel quote comes from The Bishop's Wife.
  • Stone Dead concert -- may be a reference to the Grateful Dead and/or The Rolling Stones.
  • Jennie-Lynn mentions "Shirley MacLaine's big break" -- this is reference to the fact that, as an understudy for Carol Haney in The Pajama Game; Haney broke her ankle, and MacLaine replaced her, leading to her becoming a star.
  • 'What make you think it's a guy? Could be a girl under all that makeup and glitter-garb, right?' 'Or else Boy George!'

See Also

Links and References
