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"From Labor to Rest": Raquel discovers her Grandma's body. She breaks the news of her passing to her mother, and friends and family. With some support from Virgil and [[Jean Hawkins (Dakotaverse)|his m

Quote1 You would think that finding her would be the worst part. But it wasn't. The worst part was telling my mother. Quote2
— Raquel

Icon #42 is an issue of the series Icon (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1997.

Synopsis for "From Labor to Rest"

Raquel discovers her Grandma's body. She breaks the news of her passing to her mother, and friends and family. With some support from Virgil and his mother, Raquel navigates preparing funeral arrangements for her Grandma. Augustus Freeman III introduces himself as an attorney representing the estate of Raquel's Grandma. Later, the loved ones of the Ervin Family gather to reminisce.

Appearing in "From Labor to Rest"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Arthur D. Stindle III (Single appearance)





  • The letters page solicits an issue #43 which was never released.

See Also

Links and References
