We're not animals, and we don't have to act like them.
- — Andrew Bennett
I, Vampire #4 is an issue of the series I, Vampire (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2012. It was published on December 28, 2011.
Synopsis for "In Between Days"
Despite John Troughton's worries, Andrew Bennett decides that he and his companions ought to stay the night at a hotel in Ohio. His human companions, John and Tig need rest, and he needs to eat. However, eating for Andrew means drinking fresh blood, because he is a vampire.
Unlike so many others, though, Andrew refuses to feed on humans. He happens upon a cab driver named Steve, who is apparently also a vampire. He catches Steve raiding a medical waste dumpster for blood packs, and surprising him, asks if he can have some too. Steve has never met another vampire, and is glad to meet one who shares his aversion to feeding on humans. He tells his story of how when he was turned, he nearly fed on someone he loved, and the experience soured him on ever giving in to that urge. He worries that if he ever felt power like that again, he may not be able to control it.
In response, Andrew shows Steve how to transform into a monstrous beast through sheer willpower. When Steve manages to change himself as well, Andrew suggests that if he could change by willpower, then he has the willpower to do anything - like restrain his urges. After Andrew leaves, however, the message is misinterpreted by Steve, and he becomes drunk with the power that his beast form holds.
At a nearby diner, John Constantine attempts to have a smoke, but is informed that smoking isn't allowed inside restaurants anymore. He tries to argue, but eventually he is forced to leave in order to have his cigarette. Outside, he notices the vaporous mist by which Andrew travels. Moments later, Steve enters the diner. As Constantine drags on his cigarette from the door, Steve transforms into the beast and begins terrorizing the customers.
Distracted by the sound of a shotgun blast, Constantine looks inside and realizes what's going on before warning everyone who isn't a vampire to leave the area. He reveals a magical orb which can reproduce the light of the sun, which strips Steve of most of his power, reverting him to a humanoid. Constantine then seeks out a shotgun, and aims the twin barrels at Steve's head.
Before he can fire, though, Andrew appears and warns that he won't allow it. Constantine shrugs him off, so Andrew becomes a vapour and allows his adversary to inhale him until he passes out from lack of oxygen. However, despite having saved Steve from the occultist, Andrew must bring justice to him. He apologizes for failing to see that giving the man power could corrupt him, and draws his sword. Steve begs Andrew to take a locket to his wife and daughter, who are somewhere out there looking for him. Andrew takes it from his hand before slicing off Steve's head.
John Constantine is confused by the idea of a vampire who kills other vampires. Andrew warns that there is a war coming, and that The Queen of Blood has amassed an army. He tells Constantine to have his friends prepare, because she is very powerful.
As Andrew makes his exit, he opens the locket, only to discover that Steve's daughter is, in fact, Tig.
Appearing in "In Between Days"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Hellblazer (John Constantine) (First appearance as Hellblazer)
- Prof. John Troughton
- Tig
- Steve Rafelson the Vampire (Single appearance; dies)
Other Characters:
- God (Mentioned only)
- Mary, Queen of Blood (Mentioned only)
- Cult of the Blood Red Moon (Mentioned only)
- Master Shoju (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Tig Rafelson's mother (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Constantine's Lighter (Cameo)
- Silk Cut
- Tig's Locket (First appearance)
- The events of this story take place just before the creation of the Justice League Dark during the In the Dark storyline.
- Bennett mentions having once met Vampire monks who were able to control their urges. This is a reference to the character Master Shoju who he met[1] during his original run in House of Mystery from the Pre-Crisis continuity.