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"The 1000 Eyes of Death": A rancher develops a hatred of eagles, and the eagles get revenge by shapeshifting into a woman's form and lifting the man high into the sky before dropping him.

Quote1 Welcome to my favorite aviary behind the House of Mystery! My name's Cain--caretaker and lover of our fine-feathered fiends! It's taken me a ghoul's age to gather the collection you see around you--and believe me, it hasn't been easy! For example, I've been having trouble with a poacher lately! You mark my words--if I ever get my claws on that culprit--we're liable to be having gargoyle goulash for dinner some night! Quote2
— Cain

House of Mystery #203 is an issue of the series House of Mystery (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1972.

Synopsis for "The 1000 Eyes of Death"

A rancher develops a hatred of eagles, and the eagles get revenge by shapeshifting into a woman's form and lifting the man high into the sky before dropping him.

Appearing in "The 1000 Eyes of Death"


Featured Characters:

  • Mark Dawson (Single appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Bear Claw (Single appearance)


  • Eagles
  • Sheep


  • The Great Spirit (In the form of a woman) (Single appearance)


  • Mark Dawson's land

Synopsis for "The Golden Doom"

This story is reprinted from House of Mystery #64.

Appearing in "The Golden Doom"

Featured Characters:

  • Emile Marlez (Single appearance)
  • Dr. Devin (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Corbin (Appears only as a corpse)
  • Old man (Unnamed) (Single appearance; dies)



  • The Midas Elixer

Synopsis for "Almost Human"

A couple keeps their deaf, mute son locked away for twenty-two years when he becomes so strong that he breaks the door off the hinges. He beats his mother and father to death and is only stunned when struck by a truck on the street outside. He is put in jail and one of the cops gives him a red rubber ball to play with and this quiets him down. Suddenly he becomes agitated and begins to bend the bars to escape. The cop is forced to shoot him. After the boy is dead the cop notices that the ball had rolled out of the cell and the boy was merely trying to get it.

Appearing in "Almost Human"


Featured Characters:

  • Donald Morrison (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Mary Morison (Single appearance; dies)
  • Mr. Morrison (Single appearance; dies)
  • Al (Single appearance)
  • "Pop" (Single appearance)


  • An undisclosed city


  • Rubber ball

Synopsis for "The Tower of Prey"

Appearing in "The Tower of Prey"


Featured Characters:

  • J. J. Rahtlar (Single appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Mary Q. Lardly (Single appearance; dies)


  • Raven


  • An undisclosed city
    • Rahtlar's skyscraper


  • Raven's Talon


  • Sportscar


  • This issue is reprinted in Showcase Presents: The House of Mystery Vol. 2.
  • The preface featuring Cain was drawn by Bernie Wrightson.
  • The "Cain's Game Room" gag pages were drawn by Sergio Aragonés (first page), and John Albano (second page).

See Also

Links and References
