DC Database

"Emerald Fallout, Part Four: Fist Forward, Face Down": Guy Gardner and Alan Scott fight the renegade Hal Jordan over the ruins of Oa. Jordan, using the full power he stole from t

Quote1 You twisted diseased maniac. Always tryin' to be the boy scout. Always tryin' to do what others think is the right thing. It's guys like you that always end up with ulcers or in a tower with a gun goin' postal. Well, Hal ol' buddy... Guy Gardner ain't got no ulcers! Quote2
— Guy Gardner

Guy Gardner: Warrior #21 is an issue of the series Guy Gardner: Warrior (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1994.

Synopsis for "Emerald Fallout, Part Four: Fist Forward, Face Down"

Guy Gardner and Alan Scott fight the renegade Hal Jordan over the ruins of Oa. Jordan, using the full power he stole from the Central Power Battery, easily defeats the rest of the Justice League, leaving Guy to fight him alone. Guy takes advantage of Hal's power, since his ring absorbs the energy of the Green Lantern. However, Hal sees through his trick and destroys Guy's ring. Refusing to let anyone stop him, Hal sends the unconscious Guy to Earth, and tells him to warn the rest. Hal promises he'll get the power he needs to make everything all right again.

Appearing in "Emerald Fallout, Part Four: Fist Forward, Face Down"

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  • This entire issue consists of splash pages.

See Also

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