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"Ghosts": Kyle Rayner saves the survivors of a car crash on the highway before a fuel truck explodes. A green energy bubble protects Kyle and one of the drivers, but it's not one of Kyle's creations: it comes from Abin Sur, the resurrected Gre

Quote1 I am Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. I rule the limbo of the afterlife, where spirits go to await eternal judgment. Just as I will soon control you -- and your entire universe! You have no way of defeating me. You can only make your death more painful. Quote2
— Nekron

Green Lantern Annual (Volume 3) #7 is an issue of the series Green Lantern Annual (Volume 3) with a cover date of November, 1998.

Synopsis for "Ghosts"

Kyle Rayner saves the survivors of a car crash on the highway before a fuel truck explodes. A green energy bubble protects Kyle and one of the drivers, but it's not one of Kyle's creations: it comes from Abin Sur, the resurrected Green Lantern that gave Hal Jordan his ring. Abin explains that there's a disturbance in the natural order of existence, bringing people back from the afterlife. Abin tells Kyle to go to the edge of the universe, but Kyle rushes back to Earth to see if Alex is alive. Abin stops him and urges Kyle to put his loss aside, for the universe is his concern now. Abin disappears in front of Kyle, and Kyle continues his way to the edge of the universe, after quickly recharging his ring.

The ring takes Kyle to an energy source in space, which causes Mogo, the unliving Green Lantern planet, to materialize. When Kyle lands, an army of undead Green Lanterns dig out of the ground and attack Kyle. Kilowog accuses Kyle of letting the Corps die since he could've warned them when he traveled back in time recently. Another familiar face confronts Kyle: Adara, the first ex-Green Lantern he met. Suddenly, Nekron, the Lord of the Unliving, reveals himself as the one pulling the strings of the reanimated Lanterns, watching everything through a rift from his realm. Kyle takes the fight to Nekron's realm, where Nekron explains that, after his first defeat at the hands of the Green Lantern Corps, his power has grown stronger, but another force causing the dead to rise increased his strength to open a breach to our universe. He only needs Kyle Rayner's death to make him strong enough to step out of his realm and control the universe.

Kyle escapes through the rift and resumes the fight with the Green Lantern Corpses, convinced that he has no other choice than to kill them again, setting them free from Nekron's control. After destroying the reanimated Mogo and all the other Lanterns, Nekron's power gets weaker and the breach closes, locking him in his realm again. Kyle wonders what "other power" revived the Lanterns, but since his ring doesn't detect any more anomalies, he returns to Earth.

Kyle visits Alex's grave on the anniversary of her death and dedicates a few words for her, determined to honor her memory by living each day to the fullest and trying to be the best person he can be. After flying away, Kyle starts to feel that, by freeing the spirits of the Green Lanterns, he freed himself.

Appearing in "Ghosts"

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