DC Database

"New Guardians, Part One": Several years ago, the vaunted Green Lantern Corps suffered its worst defeat. Oa lies in ruins and the Guardians of the Universe are all dead, except one. Somehow, Ganthet remains. Summoning all his strength, he creates one last

Quote1 It would seem I chose well. Quote2

Green Lantern: New Guardians #1 is an issue of the series Green Lantern: New Guardians (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2011. It was published on September 28, 2011.

Synopsis for "New Guardians, Part One"

Several years ago, the vaunted Green Lantern Corps suffered its worst defeat. Oa lies in ruins and the Guardians of the Universe are all dead, except one. Somehow, Ganthet remains. Summoning all his strength, he creates one last ring and begins the search for a ring-bearer.

On Earth, Kyle Rayner chats with friends in a bar. Finding the line for the restroom too long, Kyle steps out into the alley. There he finds Ganthet waiting to bestow upon him the ring. Kyle quickly acclimates to the ring and Ganthet decides he has chosen well.

In the present, a member of the Sinestro Corps is easily destroying a group of Khunds. He taunts their image as a warrior race until his ring announces he has been decommissioned and flies off in seek of a replacement. The Khunds seize the advantage and brutally kill the former Sinestro Corpsman. On the planet Kroo, a Red Lantern Corps member is on a brutal rampage. His ring suddenly leaves him in search of a replacement too. Without the ring's abilities to keep him alive, he drops dead.

Elsewhere, a Star Sapphire is protecting a family from a group of pirates. Inexplicably, her ring proclaims, she too, has been decommissioned and flies away. She is left powerless in the vacuum of space. Fatality is alerted to the event and arrives in time to save her fellow Star Sapphire. She vows to find the culprit and let them know why she is called Fatality.

In Times Square, a crane-operator sits in his crane and talks with his wife on the phone. He tells her he just saw a Green Lantern just flew by. She seems disappointed that it wasn't her favorite of Earth's Lanterns. Too late, the crane-operator notices that his rig had not been secured properly and he starts to crash down to the street below. Kyle Rayner arrives and uses massive energy-construct construction workers to catch the crane before anyone is hurt.

As Kyle talks with the crowd on the street, a Blue Lantern Ring arrives to inform him he has been chosen to join the Blue Lantern Corps. The Blue Ring is followed by rings from all the other corps. Kyle has little time to react to this news as he is confronted by a member of each corps who want revenge for the theft the rings. Kyle has no time to explain that he has nothing to do with the event before he is attacked by the combined force of the Lanterns.

Appearing in "New Guardians, Part One"

Featured Characters:

  • Kyle Rayner (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Ganthet (Flashback only)
  • Khunds
  • Dylan (Single appearance)
  • Mike (Flashback only)
  • Sean (Flashback only)
  • Tina (Flashback only)
  • Graxus (First appearance; dies)
  • Pandora (Cameo)





Pandora Green Lantern New Guardians 001

Pandora watches.

  • Pandora makes a brief cameo appearance to witness the events of this story, as she does all #1 issues published as part of The New 52. She can be seen in the crowd, after Kyle saves the crane operator.

See Also

Links and References
