DC Database

"Sunday, Bloody Sunday": GCPD Detectives Renée Montoya and Crispus Allen are stuck next to their broken down car, waiting for a pickup. They discuss the events of the last few months, while Allen has an

Quote1 The Spectre, The Agent of the Divine Vengeance. But he's gone mad, he's unraveling all magick" Quote2
— Captain Marvel

Gotham Central #37 is an issue of the series Gotham Central (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2006. It was published on November 9, 2005.

Synopsis for "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

GCPD Detectives Renée Montoya and Crispus Allen are stuck next to their broken down car, waiting for a pickup. They discuss the events of the last few months, while Allen has an inner monologue about losing his faith. They get a call on the radio for all available units, so they take the police car that was going to give them a ride and head to face the problem.

Unknown to them, the Spectre has just destroyed the Rock of Ages and Captain Marvel is plummeting into Gotham from the sky.[1] A hole has been ripped into the Gotham night sky as The Seven Deadly Sins are unleashed. The detectives arrive on the scene to find the sky raining fire and the Riddler, Murmur, and the Body Doubles battling the GCPD. The police band also warns of several other villains on the ground, including Red Panzer, the Scavenger, and the Fisherman. Captain Marvel lands on Allen and Montoya's car as Montoya is attacked by Envy. Marvel gets Envy to leave Montoya alone and flies off to find his family after briefly explaining the destruction of the Rock of Ages to the detectives. As soon as Marvel leaves, Allen and Montoya are hooked by the Fisherman, whom Allen recognizes as an old foe of Aquaman. The Fisherman bluntly states he hates policemen, but before he can kill Allen, Josie MacDonald and Marcus Driver arrive just in time to shoot Fisherman in back. Driver tells them there is no back-up and the city is in panic mode. He tells them they are on their own.

Allen then attempts to take a weakened Montoya to safety. They encounter several more thugs looting a store attack them on the way, but Montoya drives them away with a spare revolver in her ankle holster. Allen manages to get Xenon, where Daria works to look over her on a temporary basis. Allen borrows Daria's car and heads to find his family. By the time he's driven four blocks, he counts 79 felonies in progress, but with no gun and no backup, all he can do is focus on the road. Allen eventually makes it home, and hears his family's own beliefs that the world is coming to an end. In the darkness of the impending situation, they pray.

Appearing in "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

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See Also

Links and References
