DC Database

Quote1 I know you're gonna enjoy this... I'm gonna have to try and enjoy it... even more. Quote2
ā€” Detective Stephens src

Gerard Stephens was a detective in the Gotham City Police Department.

Stephens acted as guard in the interrogation room the Joker was being held in after Batman got the locations of Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes out of him. After a skirmish with the Joker (as a result of the Joker's taunting of Stephens' six dead friends) Stephens was taken hostage as a way for the Joker to get his "phone call". This in turn, allows the Joker to escape from police custody, and continue his attack on Gotham.



Gotham City Police Department 0001
GCPD Officer
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was an officer of, or held a title in the Gotham City Police Department, in any of its various incarnations. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "GCPD members" and "Police Officers" categories.
