DC Database

Quote1 We're not giving up on the mission. The mission gave up on us. Thank you for your service, old friend, but it's time to move on. Quote2
— Garguax src

Garguax the Decimator was a powerful alien warlord and a member of the Brotherhood of Evil. Originally proud and ruthless, a decades-long stakeout at the Codsville Mountain Resort disillusioned him with the idea of evil and softened him into a friendly, humorous, and generous man.

The Brotherhood of Evil

Garguax was a proud and ruthless alien warlord who conquered and destroyed many worlds and garnered much fear and respect across the galaxy, earning him the fiercely loyal manservant Samuelson. Eventually, the narcissistic and sadistic conqueror made his way to Earth, where he joined the Brotherhood of Evil in their plans to conquer the planet. As part of this plan, he aided them several times in their crusade against scientist Niles Caulder and his superhero team, the Doom Patrol.[1]

The Codsville Mission

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Bad news for the mission

In 1949, Garguax was brought in by the Brotherhood to hold a stakeout with Samuelson at the Codsville Mountain Resort in Maine, to await the arrival of, and then assassinate, actress Rita Farr, who the Brotherhood had discovered was connected to Caulder. Once at the resort, armed with several deadly energy weapons, Garguax and Samuelson lay in wait a signal from the Brotherhood to alert them of Rita's arrival. However, Rita didn't come to the resort when she was thought to, and they were forced to maintain their vigil for decades.

Over the course of this long wait, they maintained their vigil to complete the mission when the time came, but in 1957, the pair discovered that the Brotherhood had been defeated by the Doom Patrol. After this, while Samuelson remained hopeful, Garguax began to question his dedication to a possibly nonexistent cause, wondering why he was wasting his time at the resort and if he even mattered to the Brotherhood anymore. He spent the years indulging in the resort's facilities, even as it became less popular, leaving himself and Samuelson as the only guests left. These experiences transformed him into a more gentle and humorous man, going with the flow of life and not giving a care for anything, especially seeing how fruitless the cause he'd fought for had actually turned out.

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Bonding with Cliff

In 2021, Rita finally arrived at the resort for a vacation, along with her metahuman friends. After forming a bond with one of her friends, Cliff Steele, and seeing how much of a wreck Rita was, Garguax decided to just leave them alone. Samuelson was eagerly looking forward to the chance to finally carry out their mission, but Garguax urged Samuelson to move on with his life instead. However, the signal they had been waiting for from the Brotherhood finally came, shocking both of them, but Garguax had had enough and tried to leave at last. Samuelson was still determined and used one of their energy weapons to kill Garguax, just as he was warning the new visitors about the threat himself. His warning, like his waiting, was fruitless, however, as Samuelson killed every last one of the visitors at the resort.[1]




  • Signal Case


  • Death Ray

  • This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the television series Doom Patrol and is an adaptation of Garguax. The original character was created by Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani and first appeared in Doom Patrol #91.
  • Garguax was portrayed by Stephen Murphy.
  • This is the first onscreen adaptation of Garguax.


External Links


Doom Patrol Vol 1 86
DC Bullet 2024

Doom Patrol Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Doom Patrol at some point in their career. This pertains to all incarnations of the Patrol throughout history. Including but not restricted to their arch-enemies the Brotherhood of Evil. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Doom Patrol villains."

Brotherhood of Evil 003
DC Bullet 2024

Brotherhood of Evil member
This character was at some point primarily a member of the Brotherhood of Evil. An organization dedicated to conquering the world and destroying the Doom Patrol. This template will categorize any article that includes it into the Brotherhood of Evil members category.
