DC Database

"The Wrath of Manga Khan": Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have checked Captain Atom into a hospital. The staff are calling the EPA because Captain Atom is leaking. Elsewhere, Fire, Mary Marvel and Elongated Man are dealing with the Spaceship hovering over their headquarters. Inside the headquar

Quote1 Let Superman do it. I think he likes beating up aliens -- helps him work out his childhood issues. Quote2
— Blue Beetle

Formerly Known as the Justice League #5 is an issue of the series Formerly Known as the Justice League (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2004. It was published on November 5, 2003.

Synopsis for "The Wrath of Manga Khan"

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold have checked Captain Atom into a hospital. The staff are calling the EPA because Captain Atom is leaking. Elsewhere, Fire, Mary Marvel and Elongated Man are dealing with the Spaceship hovering over their headquarters. Inside the headquarters, Maxwell Lord and Sue Dibny are speaking to J-Lo, a robot from the spaceship. J-Lo is offering to exchange G'nort for L-Ron.

Fire, Mary and Elongated Man approach the giant robots guarding the entrance of the headquarters. Inside, negotiations continue. Fire, Mary and Elongated Man defeat the robots out front and go inside. Mary tells Max that she killed Captain Atom.

At the hospital, Beetle calls Super Buddies headquarters and is hung up on. So he calls Oracle and tells her about Captain Atom's current state. She arranges to have S.T.A.R. Labs take a look at Captain Atom within the hour.

Manga Khan and a legion of giant robots materialize right outside the door of Super Buddies headquarters.

Appearing in "The Wrath of Manga Khan"

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