Today, at precisely 5:00 P.M. Metropolis time... Every man, woman, and child on Earth... Vanished without a trace! Thus far, there are no clues to account for the incredible world-wide disappearance! At precisely 4:59 P.M. Superman and I were returning from a WGBS photo-session on the Moon-- Entering the Earth's atmosphere just as the catastrophe struck! As Superman and I surveyed the uninhabited planet below us, I started snapping pictures with my camera! With a burst of super-speed, the Man of Steel saved scores of airborne planes which were suddenly without pilots! I'm video-taping this broadcast as a permanent record of today's tragic occurrence-- Though it's doubtful anyone will ever see it! This is Clark Kent signing off for the last time!
Superman #294 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1975.
Synopsis for "The Man Who Slept The World Away!"
Superman is left as the only inhabitant of Earth except for Brain Storm, who has dreamed all others away. Clark Kent is seen broadcasting the news that everyone has disappeared from the face of the earth. He explains that he and Superman were off the planet on a mission only to return to find everyone gone. The phone rings and a voice explains that the fate of mankind hangs in the balance unless his instructions are followed. The voice mentions that the presence of Clark and Superman have affected His plans. The voice is unaware that Clark and Superman are one and the same. Clark is then supposedly murdered in Metropolis leaving only Superman on Earth. Superman discovers that the voice belongs to Brain Storm, a Justice League Foe.
Brain Storm explains that he induced everyone into dreaming that they are in another dimension with the help of his scientific helmet. Brain Storm explains that he did this in order to increase power to his helmet through the use of Stellar energy. He got rid of everyone on earth because their brain waves would interfere with his plans to absorb Stellar power from a passing Quasar that will soon arrive close to Earth. Since Superman is an alien and not human, his brain waves would not interfere Brain Storm absorbing the Quasar's energy. Superman then distracts Brain Storm by dressing up as Clark Kent. While he is attacking Clark, Brain Storm misses the opportunity to absorb his intended energy. Superman adjusts the helmet and returns everyone back to earth. As he is being hauled away, Brain Storm mentions that he is off the hook for Clark's murder but Superman explains that he will still have to face a judge for 4 billion counts of kidnapping.
Appearing in "The Man Who Slept The World Away!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Justice League of America (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Earth's Moon (Mentioned only)
Synopsis for The Private Life of Clark Kent: "The Tattoo Switcheroo!"
Clark Kent is reporting on a sapphire theft and announces that he hopes to shed light on the identity of the thieves. As it turns out the news report was meant to bait the real thieves out of hiding. The thief turns out to be Snake Eyes Sullivan who kidnaps Clark after the broadcast. Clark is rushed into a waiting car and is instructed to switch clothes with Sullivan. As Clark is switching clothes with Sullivan, he notices that Sullivan has a distinguishable tattoo on his shoulder. Sullivan hopes to imitate Clark in order to search the Galaxy building office to see what kind of evidence they have on the Saphire theft. Clark is stuffed into the trunk of the car but readily escapes. Clark then heads to Sullivan's hideout disguised as Sullivan. He runs into a henchman named Louie just as the real Sullivan shows up. Louie is confused to see two identical men both claiming to be Snake Eyes Sullivan. Clark mentions that the real Sullivan would have a tattoo on his shoulder. He then shows that the other guy (the real Sullivan) does not have a tattoo. Superman then gives a quick diary explanation of how he created the tattoo for himself and erased the tattoo on the real Sullivan's arm at super speed using make up. Just then the police show up to arrest Louie and Sullivan.
Appearing in The Private Life of Clark Kent: "The Tattoo Switcheroo!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Snake-Eyes Sullivan (Single appearance)
- Louie (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- The Van Sloan Sapphire (Mentioned only)
- "The Tattoo Switcheroo!" was reprinted in Adventures of Superman: José Luis García-López.