DC Database

"In the Name of the Father: World's Smallest, Part 2": In order to teach their sons about teamwork, Superman and Batman put Superboy and Robin in a training mission in the cold mountains. After finding their superhero gear, the boys are attacked by Nobody, who explains the rules of the exercise:

Quote1 Because you proved here that you aren't just their sons... Your are our Super Sons. Quote2
Alfred Pennyworth

Superman (Volume 4) #11 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 4) with a cover date of January, 2017. It was published on November 16, 2016.

Synopsis for "In the Name of the Father: World's Smallest, Part 2"

In order to teach their sons about teamwork, Superman and Batman put Superboy and Robin in a training mission in the cold mountains. After finding their superhero gear, the boys are attacked by Nobody, who explains the rules of the exercise: getting past her is just the beginning; they have to overcome three more challenges and earn the respective badges. Unfortunately, Nobody's sonics cause an avalanche, throwing the kids into the ground below. Robin uses the commotion to take one of the badges and take a train home. Nobody gives Superboy his leather jacket and advises him not to lose faith on Robin as he reaches the train.

Suddenly, the boys are attacked by Goliath, whose instincts have been triggered by Nobody's sonics. While Superboy attempts to restrain Goliath, Robin is able to calm him down by offering him the fish cargo on the train. Unfortunately, the bridge is out and the train is about to fall, but the boys are able to get Goliath flying. The journey to Gotham Harbor last a whole night, which Superboy and Robin spend wondering if they will ever understand each other.

The next day, as Goliath reaches Gotham Harbor, a storm hits. Superboy tells Goliath to fly above the storm, but Robin insists they should go through the eye of the storm; confusing Goliath and causing them to get caught in the storm fall into the ground. Superman, having caused the storm in the first place, appears and declares they have failed the exercise, telling them to go to the Batcave to discuss further training.

As soon as the boys reach the Batcave, however, they find their fathers captured by a bizarre monster created from genetic samples Batman had taken from his enemies. Working together, the boys defeat the monster and save their fathers. Although they didn't pass the exercise, they were still able to put their differences aside for a common goal. Alfred gives them back their capes and declares them "the Super Sons."

Afterwards, the Kents and the Waynes go to Hamilton County to choose Christmas trees for the upcoming holidays. Clark and Bruce express faith that their sons will overcome their differences and become friends; something that is not gonna happen anytime soon, as the children start fighting again, much to their fathers' annoyance.

Appearing in "In the Name of the Father: World's Smallest, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mister Squish (Single appearance)
    • Clayface (Basil Karlo) (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Also as an illusion)
    • The Joker (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Also as an illusion)
    • Killer Croc (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Also as an illusion)
    • Mister Freeze (On a TV or computer screen) (In a photograph only) (Also as an illusion)

Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References
