Character Gallery: Kal-El
This page contains all images pertaining to this character or subject.
Kal and Doomsday fight through Metropolis
Kal and Doomsday kill each other
A mind-controlled Kal kills Wonder Woman in an alternate reality
Kal witnesses Superboy's death during Infinite Crisis
Kal's Kryptonite suit
Kal discovers New Krypton
Kal battles Atlas
Kal discovers Batman's dead body
Kal battles Metallo for the first time
Kal and The Superman Family battle Mongul
Kal beats Lex Luthor in chess
Clark Kent
As a Gorilla
As a Vampire
As a Black Lantern
Other Aliases
Thought Robot
On Prime Earth
(Eclipsed) by Eclipso
- Main Article: Kal-El (New Earth)
- Image List: Kal-El (New Earth)