Wow! I was shot only minutes after that -- a long way from Dayton! What an irony -- Jeff couldn't have killed me 'cause he was shooting another man at the time!
- — Deadman
Strange Adventures #206 is an issue of the series Strange Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1967.
Synopsis for "An Eye for an Eye"
Jeff Carling, Lorna's half-brother and part-owner of Hill's Circus, insured Boston Brand's life for $10,000 before Brand's recent demise. Against his sister's wishes, he takes the money from the safe to make a blackmail payment to Morty, the leader of Jeff's motorcycle club. It is revealed that Jeff undertook a contract to kill another gang boy, Lenny Deane, and Morty is blackmailing Jeff with a photo of him holding the rifle which was used to kill Deane. Initially, Deadman suspects Jeff of not only shooting Deane, but him too. But he discards both theories when he discovers that Jeff couldn't be in two places at once, and his rifle wasn't capable of making the shot that killed Deane. After solving the murder case, Deadman brings Morty to the cops where he makes him confess to Deane's killing. Jeff is later cleared of any wrong doing.
Appearing in "An Eye for an Eye"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Hill's Circus Performers
- Lorna Hill (circus owner)
- Tiny (strongman)
- Heldrich (animal trainer)
- Ramsey
- Morty
Other Characters:
- Rama Kushna
- Jeff Carling
- Magda
- Martia
- Lenny Deane (Dies in flashback)
- Hill's Circus
- Jack's Shack
- Dayton, Ohio
- Reprinted in World's Finest #223.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Deadman Recommended Reading
- Strange Adventures (Volume 1) (1967)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1): (1978)
- Deadman (Volume 1) (1985)
- Deadman (Volume 2) (1986)
- Action Comics (Volume 1): (1988)
- Deadman: Love After Death (Volume 1) (1989)
- Deadman: Exorcism (Volume 1) (1992)
- Lobo/Deadman: The Brave and the Bald (1995)
- Batman/Deadman: Death and Glory (1996)
- Deadman: Dead Again (Volume 1) (2001)
- Deadman (Volume 3) (2002)
- Deadman (Volume 4) (2006)
- Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love (Volume 1) (2016)
- Deadman (Volume 5) (2018)