DC Database

"The Jilting of Superman": Lois Lane is a contestant on a game show called "Newlywed Homes Inc. Jackpot" and wins the grand prize: A new home. However, this prize is conditional on the fact that she must get married within the next ten days or get the consolation prize. Wanting nothing more than

Showcase #10 is an issue of the series Showcase (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1957.

Synopsis for "The Jilting of Superman"

Lois Lane is a contestant on a game show called "Newlywed Homes Inc. Jackpot" and wins the grand prize: A new home. However, this prize is conditional on the fact that she must get married within the next ten days or get the consolation prize. Wanting nothing more than to marry Superman, Lois's hopes of winning the fight fade. Telling her plight to her friend Millie, Lois is given some sage advice from her friend: If Lois pretends to be marrying another man, she could get Superman jealous enough to counter-propose. Lois decides to take this advice and seeks out another man to act as her fake proposition.

She meets with Tony Lester, a man who Lois wrote about in a series of articles called "Handsome Heroes" which landed Lester a career in acting. She asks Lester to help her out in order to "play a trick" on someone, not explaining who the person is or why. Lois puts on a fake scene for everyone and convinces Superman that she and Tony have married and both have Superman help her move into her new home.

Later when Superman saves Tony from a runaway robot on the set of his new acting job, Tony confides in Superman what Lois's real plans were. Upset that Lois would pull such a stunt the two men decide to teach her a lesson. Staging a fight in Lois's new home, the two men end up trashing it, leading Lois to believe that they are fighting over her. They then reveal that they were only practicing for Tony's new role, and leave. Lois realizes that her plan was not fated to work and learns her lesson. Superman fixes the home, and Lois is given the consolation prize: A bridal hope chest.

Appearing in "The Jilting of Superman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Millie (Single appearance)
  • Tony Lester (Single appearance)



  • None


  • None

Synopsis for "The Sightless Lois Lane"

When Lois Lane is at a demonstration of a new nuclear energy generator, Lois foolishly lifts up her protective goggles during the test and finds her eyes effected. After being examined by a doctor, it's determined that Lois's eyesight will eventually diminish to the point in which she will become blind. With only three days of sight left, Superman agrees to take Lois to see three things she would like to see before her vision is gone.

He takes her around the world to see all it's wonders, a play about her life, and finally she just wants to look at Superman, for him to be the last thing she will ever see. Later she is given a seeing eye dog that she names Deadline and struggles with learning how to live as a blind person. Later she makes a miraculous recovery, and as coincidence would have it, at a moment that Clark Kent changes into Superman in front of her.

When Superman realizes this, he stages a series of "hallucinations" using his super-powers in secret before Lois goes to the doctors to have her eyes checked. This in turn makes Lois once more doubt a connection between Clark Kent and Superman. Later, Superman notes that Lois's vision has restored to normal when she starts bringing a mirror to work and her desk is more neatly maintained.

Appearing in "The Sightless Lois Lane"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Deadline (seeing-eye dog) (Single appearance)



  • None


  • None

Synopsis for "The Forbidden Box From Krypton"

Lois Lane has a strange chest from the planet Krypton shipped to her home by an archeologist who found it in Smallville, and has asked Lois to get Superman's aid in determining what it's contents are. Lois decides to let her curiosity to get the better of her and opens the chest. Inside are a pair of glasses, a cape and a pair of gloves. To Lois's surprise the glasses give her x-ray vision, the gloves super-strength, and the cape the power of flight.
Lois naturally uses these new found powers to showboat and advance her own political career, trying to beat out Superman on performing super-feats and daring rescues. However, Lois's lack of experience with these super-powers often cause messes that Superman has to clean up or fix after Lois's unintentional path of destruction. Superman decides to find out where Lois got these fantastic new powers and learns that his father Jor-El had sent them after his son to Earth, so that he might have fantastic powers to use to improve mankind when he got old enough -- ironically unaware that Kryptonians would be gifted with super-powers on Earth due to the planet's yellow sun.

When Superman is weakened by a Kryptonite meteor, Lois comes to his rescue, although she proves to be immune to the substance, it's radiations nullify the super-powers granted by the devices she is wearing and is forced to abandon them. However, she takes great satisfaction in the next day's headline, a story about how she saved Superman.

Appearing in "The Forbidden Box From Krypton"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • None


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
