So. Make any friends today?
- — Max Mercury
Impulse #3 is an issue of the series Impulse (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1995.
Synopsis for "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
Early in the Mercury household, Bart continually pesters Max about what he has planned for the young boy's future. Max isn't very forthcoming, but emphasizes that Bart should attempt to behave like a normal teenage boy — without super-speed. He then gives Bart the day's assignment: Go to school and make some friends.
However, as soon as he arrives at Manchester Junior High School, things begin to go awry. After dodging a few bullies at the entrance of the school, they tell him to meet them after school at 3:00.
In the middle of the day, the librarian gives his study hall students a research project about France. Rather than actually read the available books on the subject, Bart instead runs to Paris. A fellow classmate named Hank witnesses Bart leaving. While in France, Bart stops a thief known as the Fox from robbing a bank, and takes time to visit the Eiffel Tower to answer his geography questions.
Meanwhile, Max Mercury visits the local town library where he runs into a woman named Helen Claiborne. Helen becomes interested in Max, but Max acts nervously cold around her. He politely excuses himself and walks away.
Bart races back to school only to find himself embroiled in several more accidental altercations. Hank has told Mr.Graham that Bart has left, but Mr.Graham finds Bart in the corner with his report finished. So Mr. Graham then fails Hank, who tells Bart to meet him behind the school at 3:00.
Bart continues to unintentionally create more enemies at school by accidentally starting a food fight and embarrassing some students during a game of dodgeball. With each incident, more students threaten to beat Bart up after school.
At 3:00, several groups of students meet Bart on the football field. Everyone wants a chance to beat up the new kid, and with the assistance of some super-speed pranks they soon begin fighting each other for the right to fight Bart. During the melee, Bart saunters over to the bleachers where he finds Max Mercury waiting for him. Max asks Bart whether he made any friends today, to which Bart responds, "There's always tomorrow."
Appearing in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Helen Claiborne (First appearance)
- Max Mercury
- Preston Lindsay
- Fox (Reynard) (Single appearance)
- Francois (Single appearance)
- Kobra Cult (Flashback only)
Other Characters:
- Hank Peterson
- Jean
- Matt Mason
- Mr. Graham
- Rita
- Roland (Lardo) (First appearance)
- Lee Cardy (Mentioned only)
- Aspects of Snorkeling
- Antebellum Anthem by Lee Cardy
- Georgia Belle by Lee Cardy
- High Horse by Lee Cardy
- Indians of Alabama by Lee Cardy
- The student in the cafeteria nicknamed "Lardo" will later be named Roland and become one of Bart's closest friends.
- This issue is reprinted in Flash/Impulse: Runs in the Family.
- First appearance of junior high student Matt Mason. Matt's full name will be revealed in issue #4.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- The Flash (Volume 2)
- Teen Titans (Volume 3)
- Young Justice
- The Flash (Volume 2) Secret Files and Origins #1
- Young Justice Secret Files and Origins #1
- Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins (2003)
- Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files and Origins (2005)