DC Database

"Beyond Burnside, Finale": Batgirl and Teacher clash. During the battle, Batgirl learns that Teacher is daughter of a couple of drug dealers. She wanted to get out of that kind of life, but being unable to go to college, she didn't have the skills. Batgirl feels sorry for her, but she retorts Te

Quote1 That's what you think you're doing? Helping people? You stole from a gangster. You sent my friend to the hospital. And when I broke that vial, you said it was worth three million yuan. You don't want to help people. You just want their money. Your parents must be proud, 'cause you turned out just like them. Quote2
— Batgirl

Batgirl (Volume 5) #5 is an issue of the series Batgirl (Volume 5) with a cover date of January, 2017. It was published on November 23, 2016.

Synopsis for "Beyond Burnside, Finale"

Batgirl and Teacher clash. During the battle, Batgirl learns that Teacher is daughter of a couple of drug dealers. She wanted to get out of that kind of life, but being unable to go to college, she didn't have the skills. Batgirl feels sorry for her, but she retorts Teacher isn't running that operation to help people but to get their money.

Nevertheless, Batgirl isn't a match for a drug-booster Teacher, and she is knocked out. As she lies unconscious, she hallucinates Fruit Bat and Kai telling her she can defeat Teacher as long as she stops wasting brain power on nonessentials. In other words, she needs to shut off her eidetic memory temporarily in order to think faster and win. Barbara is frightened, but she goes ahead and shuts her memory off after being told how to.

Batgirl comes around, follows Teacher, and manages to win. Of course, she realizes Grandfather Blood can not be allowed to get his hands on that brain-boosting drug, so she hands Teacher over to Blood -who declares Kai's debt forgiven-, and calls the police.

Later Batgirl introduces Teacher's students to Fruit Bat, in the hope that she can help them get a proper education, and goes to the hospital to say goodbye to Kai.

Afterwards, Barbara reflects on her crazy "vacation" while she gazes at the Sun rising over Shanghai. She looks to sit back for a bit, but a phone call tells her Batgirl is needed back in Burnside.

Appearing in "Beyond Burnside, Finale"

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