DC Database

The city's patron deity was the Greek goddess Artemis, to whom her most famous temple, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was dedicated, but the cult of the Anatolian great mother goddess Cybele w

Ephesus was an ancient Anatolian city-state on the Aegean coast. Three thousand years ago its inhabitants were a race of warrior women led by Queen Alcippe, who was taken by the Athenian prince Theseus when the city was conquered.[2]


The city's patron deity was the Greek goddess Artemis, to whom her most famous temple, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was dedicated,[1] but the cult of the Anatolian great mother goddess Cybele was also important.[2]

There was also an Amazon cult of Artemis in ancient times, but it was opposed by Christians, who considered the pagan gods to be the work of Satan; the ruins of the great Temple of Artemis attest to the religious hostility in the region at the time.[1][3]

Points of Interest


  • Amazons, the Warrior Priestesses of Artemis[1]
    • Dyanna
    • Golroth, High Priest of Artemis and Guardian of the Golden Bough[1]
  • Warrior Women[2]

See Also

Links and References
