DC Database

Earth 28 is one of the worlds of the Multiverse after The Flashpoint. It is a world where humans have built massive robots, called Mechs, to defend themselves from otherworldly threats.


Early History

At the end of World War II, an invasion force from Apokolips ravaged the planet. While the Justice Society of America were able to drive the invaders off, most of their members were killed, leaving only five survivors: Hawkwoman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Wildcat, and Starman. This failure led to the team disbanding, dedicating their efforts to creating piloted mecha that could defend against a future invasion.[1]

In the present day, the Justice Squadron use mecha to battle a resurgent Apokolips, drawn to the planet by the arrival of Kal-El, the lone survivor of Krypton.

DC Rebirth

After the Forces of Evil won the Justice/Doom War,[2] this reality, along with all the other worlds that sided with Justice, was destroyed by Perpetua, the Mother of the Multiverse.[3]

Infinite Frontier

In late 2020, after The Hands restored the entire Creation, Earth 28 was restored as well.[4]

One year later, in the aftermath of the Dark Crisis, the Anti-Monitor launched a massive attack on the Multiverse, first journeying to this reality. The Justice Squadron moved to face the outside threat but they were quickly overwhelmed by Mobius' cosmic powers. Just before he could murder the Leaguers and destroy the universe, Earth 0 Flash/Barry Allen and Kid Flash/Ace West stopped him and punched him out of Earth 28.[5]


  • Justice Squadron
    • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
    • The Flash (Wally West)
    • Green Lantern (John Stewart)
    • Superman (Kal-El)
    • Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
  • Hal Jordan (Deceased)
  • Hawkwoman (Shiera Sanders)
  • Alfred Pennyworth
  • Kelex
  • Carol Ferris
  • Captain Steve Trevor (Deceased)
  • The Flash (Barry Allen) (Deceased)
  • Darkseid
  • Kalibak (Deceased)
  • Lex Luthor
    • B1-Zar-Ro (Deceased)


  • Earth 28 is the setting of the DC: Mech continuity.
  • This reality first made a cameo on the Multiverse Guidebook in The Multiversity Guidebook (Volume 1 1) that mentioned its status as one of the seven unknown worlds. However, Earth 28 made its first full apperance in DC: Mech #1.
  • Earth 28 was originally one of the seven "unknown worlds" created by an Inner Chamber of 7 Monitor Magi for a mysterious purpose.[6]

See Also

Links and References

